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HomeTechnology3 simple tips to memorize strong passwords

3 simple tips to memorize strong passwords

No one likes passwords. Finally, they will be replaced with a new technology, maybe Passkey, maybe something has not been invented. But most of us still use passwords daily, dozens or even hundreds of passwords, and remembering them all are impossible.

If you use a password as easy as your birth date or your dog's name, hackers can guess in the blink of an eye. Even if you have to stretch the brain to remember a strong random password like 4y3s}#rhkg7y; A'5, it is not good if you use it on multiple websites because of a violation at a service that can reveal All of your other services.

The only solution (and the best) is based on password management. With the help of such a utility, using a different strong password for each website is easy. The following article will show you how to do it!

The unpredictable password may be hard to remember

The password manager is full, suitable for operating on all your devices, maybe a desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet. They create unpredictable passwords like Z ~/nQ “E5 = | OO = QF9remember them for you and automatically use the saved passwords to log in to your safety websites.

But there is a drawback to this plan. Almost every password manager is based on the main password to lock all those individual passwords. The main password must not be able to crack it because anyone who has access to that password can unlock all your safety websites. But it must also be easy to remember, unlike the meaningless words from random password creation. If you forget the main password, no one can help you. The positive side is that this also means that a dishonest employee cannot break into your password storage and NSA cannot force your data to hand over.

Suppose you have done everything right in terms of security. You have installed antivirus software or security kit. Virtual private network, or VPN, will encrypt your network flow in protection encryption. And you have used a password manager to handle countless passwords. You still have to remember an extremely safe main password to lock that password manager. Here are some tips to choose a password that is both easy to remember and unpredictable.

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1. Create a password related to poetry

Everyone has a favorite poem or song they will never forget. It could be a verse of Shakespeare, a tone of Taylor Swift or something sarcastic of Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. With any stanza or verse, you can turn it into a password. This is how.

Start by writing the first letter of each syllable. Using capital letters for syllables is emphasized and keeps any sentence marks. For example with this verse from Romeo and Juliet: “But Soft, What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks?” From there, you will have BS, WLTYDWDB?. You can add A2S2 give Act 2, Scene 2 If that's what you will never forget, or 1597 For the publishing year of the play.

If the paragraph has no rhythm, you just need to take the first letter of each word, using the existing sentence and capital. With quote “Be Yourself; Everyone Else Is Already Taken. – Oscar Wilde”you can create a password By; Eeiat.-Ow. Another memorable number will round the password, maybe 1854 (His date of birth) 1900 (His death day).

Of course, your poetry password will be completely different from these examples. You will start with your own song or quote and convert into a single password that no one else can guess.

2. Con turn your password into an easy missed phrase

Password experts always recommend that there are 4 types of characters: capital, normal letters, digits and sentence marks. The reason is that by expanding the character group, you will significantly expand the time needed to crack the password. High length also makes it more difficult to crack, and one way to get a long, easy -to -remember password is to use a password.

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Smart, witty web comics XKCD has targeted the odd password scheme, suggested starting with a common word, replacing some letters with the same numbers, then added a few kilograms Self -supplement. For example, tr0ub4dor & 3, tr0ub4dor3 &? Or maybe Tr0m30ne & 3?. A password cluster of this type is harder to crack significantly due to its length, but also much easier to remember.

Not all password managers allow spaces in the main password. No problem! Just select a character as a brick or an equal sign to separate the words. If you have difficulty finding unrelated words for your password, there are many tools to create an online password cluster, such as If you are worried about the use of a password created by other people's algorithms, in that case, you can create multiple passwords and cut one word in each cluster.

3. Make a longer password

The respectable computer expert Steve Gibson suggests that the secret to a long and strong password is to add the factors to it. Each additional character will make that attack much more difficult.

Gibson's website provides Search Space Calculator analyzes all passwords you are imported based on the types of characters used and length. The computer estimates the time needed to attack Brute-Fforce to crack a certain password. Note this is not a measure of the strength of the password but a measure of the breaking time.

Add alternating something like VCVCVCVC or select 3 characters like LKJLKJLKJLKJ to your password. Gibson's calculation tool said it would take more than 45 years to crack BS, WLTYDWDB? (Password Romeo and Juliet in the previous example). Add VCVCVCVC will increase time to more than a trillion centuries.

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Additional tips: Use multi -factors authentication

Up to now, you must have devised a long but completely memorable main password. There is only one note: A person with good memory passes through seeing you enter that password that can use it to open your password warehouse. Most likely, a hacker uses data that steals data that can get passwords. So what to do?

The solution is to enhance the main password protection with another type of authentication. Multi -factor authentication is usually related to at least 2 of the following 3 types: what you know (like passwords), what you have (such as smartphone applications) and your biometrics (like fingerprints) .

Most password managers allow you to use the authentication application to enhance security. Now, the password thief cannot enter your warehouse just by password. If there is no code from the authentic application, there will be no way to access those valuable account passwords.

After investing in password management and converting all your login information to use strong and unique passwords, the only password you still have to remember is that the password is open to the password manager. . That main password will unlock everything else, so you really need to take the time to think of a main password that you can easily remember but others cannot guess or crack it.

Create a password based on a famous poem, song or quote. Or create a password, linking words that are not related to a memorable image or story. Then, add some easy to type. You will get a main password that is both easy to remember and unable to crack.



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