Many people paid for Canva's Pro registration package, then asked for a refund because they realized that the free version has met the needs. If you are considering spending money, consider the following points before deciding.
1. Do you really need advanced features?
Normal users really do not need professional features. Canva's Pro registration package is a big improvement compared to the free version, but to create simple presentations and graphics, the free version is more than enough.
Even if you never pay a penny for Canva, the free version still has many useful features to try. However, the main weakness of the free version is that the amount of assets is too much for Pro, making it difficult to find free components.

Whether on Canva or any other tool with free and high -end options, understand what features you really need to use often. You may not need a high -end version if the free version includes 90% or more than those functions. You can solve the remaining 10% with the replacement software.
2. Have you tried free alternatives before buying?
Many outstanding software tools in some things and shortcomings in other things. Canva is an alternative that many users use instead of PowerPoint or Adobe Creative Cloud, providing many user -friendly tools to design and even edit videos.

It is easy to get caught up in exaggeration and marketing around the paid software versions, but sometimes that software is not the best choice for your needs. When choosing the right tool, understand what the most important thing you need your tools do, see which options do the best and choose accordingly.
For example, Canva is superior to user -friendly designs, but you may need to be more powerful to edit images or videos. In that case, although extremely dislike the price and “hunting” of Adobe, Adobe Creative Cloud can be a better choice with software like Premiere Pro and Photoshop. Even for simple graphic design, there are still many alternatives for Canva that you should try before paying the Pro version.
3. Have you checked the refund policy before payment?
Before spending a penny for any high -end registration package, you must understand whether the company has a refund policy, as well as the way the policy works. This information can be hidden in the tools of the tool.

Although Canva did not specify the details of their refund policy, many other users on Reddit discussed how useful of the company's customer service for quick refund.
Ironically, Canva's terms of use does not guarantee money for situations like this, but the company still does this.
4. Do you know how to use Pro features?
Canva software is so strong that you never feel you need to explore advanced features. However, whether it is with Canva or other tools such as notion, people often subdue to the temptation of marketing promoted to buy high-end versions, with pop-ups regularly require upgrades. . The Pro version has many useful features to ensure the price worthy, but most likely you will not use any of them often.
In these cases, it is important to really plan on how you will use advanced features and understand the problems that they will solve for you. Do you have a tool to delete the background for images? If you own the iPhone, then you really have this tool in your hand.
The refund policy for Canva Pro makes users quite assured. Typically, people only need free features, and view better alternatives for some advanced functions without plans to use Canva Pro's additional tools.