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HomeTechnology7 ways to number pages in Word you need to know

7 ways to number pages in Word you need to know

Numbering of page in Word has many ways for us to choose to use, depending on the requirements of the page numbering in Word to be done. The page numbering is essential when working with documents, showing professionalism for the document, especially when you print 2 -sided Word documents. Here are all the page numbering in Word.

How to number Word page ignores the first page

Step 1:

At the interface in Word users Click on Insert and select Page number To select the location you want to insert the page number in Word.

Choose to number Word page

Step 2:

Continue you click on Design section Then look down below Section Options Choose Different First Page.

Numbering other Word page pages

Step 3:

Now you can number Word page from the 2nd page as usual without related to page 1 in Word.

Numbering Word page ignoring the first page

How to number Word page by Roman numerals

Step 1:

First you need Double click on the foot of the page Or top of the page depending on the position you want to insert the page number in Word.

Choose to hit the foot of the Word

Step 2:

Look at the design group and look down Header & Footer select page number. Then display the list, you Press the format page numbers To format the foot of the page in Word.

Adjust the number of Word pages

Step 3:

Display the option for you to adjust the format for the number of pages in Word. In Number Format select rome Give the page number and click OK.

Choose the number of Word Roman pages

Step 4:

Continue Click Footer or Header Depending on the position of the page you have chosen before and then choose The number of pages display in Word.

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Display of the number of Word Roman pages

The results of the Roman pages displayed in Word as shown below.

Number of Roman Word pages

Number automatic page in Word 2007, 2010, 2019

Numbering from the first page in Word is very simple and the steps are applied to all versions in Word.

Step 1:

At the interface in word you click Insert and then select page number.

Page number

Step 2:

Now you Select page numbering on the side On the top of the page or hitting at the end of the Bottom of Page. Click on that position and you will see the number of pages displayed in the document.

We choose the position that appears in the text page, in the middle, left or right and then click is done.

Select automatic page numbering location

Numbering from any page of Word 2007, 2010, 2019

In addition to numbering from the first page, we can remove the first page to number page number from any page.

Step 1:

Move The page position starts to be numbered Then set the mouse at the top of the page. At the interface in Word we click Layout With Word 2016-2019 and page layout Word 2007-2010, select Breaks> Next Page To separate the text into 2 different sections as shown.

Section Section

Step 2:

Press next Insertclick on Page number> format page numbers. Now display the number of number you like Enter page 1 starting to fight at Start AT.

Then also click on Page number to select the location to display the number of pages In the document.

Enter the number of pages starting

Step 3:

Then click the mouse at Header & Footer Tools In the design section, then click Link to Previous interrupt the link between the two sections.

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Interrupt link

How to number Word page from any number

We can number the page not from 1 but choose which number we want.

Step 1:

At the word interface you click Insert> page number then selected Format page number.


Step 2:

Next select the numbering type, Start at enter the number of pages I want to make the number of pages starting.

Finally, we also choose the location of the pages in Word.

Select the number of the starting page

How to number symmetrical page Word 2007, 2010, 2019

The symmetrical page numbering type in Word is the odd page on one side and the even page on one side, symmetrical with each other. We take the same steps on Word versions.

Step 1:

First of all at the bottom of the page, we Double click To display the HEADER & FOOTER insert interface in Word.

Then look at the ribbon bar Tab Designin Options group Select selected Different Odd & Even Pages To number the odd and even symmetrical page.

Symmetrical page numbering

Step 2:

Next look to the left of the screen, at Page number> bottom of page Friend Choose location and page type Want to hit the first page. At this time, the odd page will be on one side.

Location for odd page

Step 3:

Next move down to the 2nd page also press Page number Then choose Bottom of Page and then choose Symmetrical position with page 1. Note still leave the Different Odd & Even Pages mode.

Location for even pages

Numbering of alternating pages and numbers Word 2007, 2010, 2019

Step 1:

Put The end of the page wants to separate the words and numbers When numbering page.

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At the interface in Word press Layout Then in the item Breaks find down Sections Breaks select Next Page To separate Section.

Section Section

Step 2:

Press next Insert> page number> format page number … We will choose page numbering in the form of letterspart Page Numbering Choose Start at is A. Click OK.

Let's write

Step 3:

Click Page number Then choose Position Insert the page number that you want. Then the pages will start playing the order in the form of letters.

Select the location for the text page

Step 4:

Pull the mouse to the Section separated position, which is the location you want to number the digital page number. Click at the top of the page and select Insert> page number> format page numbers

In the part Number Format options pages 1, 2, 3. The Start AT part is 1 to number the page number.

Number of pages in the form of numbers

The number of pages has been alternating between numbers and letters.

Number of pages alternating words and numbers

Instructions to delete pages in word

To delete the number of pages in word you just click Insert then press Page number and Select Remove Page number.

Delete pages in word

Video tutorial on page numbering in Word



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