MoMo Lac Xi 2023 program will take place from January 10 to February 10 with hundreds of thousands of extremely attractive and valuable prizes. Especially when you collect all 6 treasures for the Cat God Statue and accumulate enough Mangosteens, you will receive a reward at the end of the program of up to 10 million VND in cash. Please join the Network Administrator in the 2023 Lak Xi program in the article below.
Instructions for playing MoMo Lac Xi 2023
Step 1:
First of all, we access our MoMo account and will immediately see the MoMo Lac Xi 2023 program. For each time you log in and participate in the program, you will receive 3 shakes.

Step 2:
Your task now is to shake your phone to roll the dice. The number displayed on the screen will be the number of cells that the Cat jumps to.
Step 3:
After each turn, you will have the opportunity to receive valuable items, such as vouchers combined with other services, lucky money envelopes or treasures for us to collect.
Step 4:
All the gifts you have collected while playing Lak Xi 2023 are compiled in a separate management section. You click Gifts Received section to see the list of gifts we have collected.
Each gift will display the time and content used. Click on each gift to carefully read the terms of use.
Step 5:
After 1 round, you will receive an additional amount of mangosteen to use to buy chests as well as preferential gift cards at the store. These mangosteens will be collected from us playing games and rolling dice.
When you collect all 6 treasures, you will receive a Power Bag with extremely attractive prizes as shown below.
Step 6:
With the mangosteens, you can exchange them for gifts, food and transportation vouchers. Click to select Gift Shop section to see what products you can redeem from mangosteen.

To have more plays then you need perform the tasksdepending on the task performed, the number of shakes will be different.
Step 7:
To Hunt for more mangosteens Then you will need to participate in 3 games as shown, including MoMo Jump, Lanh Lemon and Ironing. With MoMo Jump, you will need to use the 30 mangosteens you have to participate in the game.

The content of the game is that you will jump as far as possible. The further you go, the more mangosteen you will receive.

Step 8:
Other games you can play against friends or play randomly. And after winning we will receive a quantity of mangosteen as a reward.