Thứ Tư, Tháng Ba 12, 2025
HomeFinanceHow to count checkboxes in Google Sheets

How to count checkboxes in Google Sheets

To count checkboxes in Google Sheets, you can immediately use the COUNTIF function in Google Sheets to get the most accurate number of checkboxes according to the data table. At that time, the user can count checked checkboxes, or count unchecked checkboxes. The COUNTIF function is one of the basic functions in Google Sheets, helping you count data according to the content you need. The following article will guide you to count checkboxes in Google Sheets.

1. How to count checkboxes in Sheets using COUNTIF

The COUNTIF function in Google Sheets will count the values ​​in cells based on the conditions you use. The COUNTIF function has the formula used: =COUNTIF(range;criteria).

With the data spreadsheet according to the image below in Google Sheets, you first need to determine the data area where you want to count the number of checkboxes. First we will Count the number of checked checkboxes.

You enter the formula in the box where the result is written =COUNTIF(A2:A8; TRUE) Already press Enter.

Enter the COUNTIF function in Google Sheets

Immediately after that we will see the result of the number of checked checkboxes being 3 cells.

Show the results of the checked checkbox

To Count the number of unchecked checkboxes then you will enter the formula = COUNTIF (A2: A8; FALSE) and then press Enter.

Count the number of unchecked checkboxes

The results also show the number of checkboxes in the Google Sheets spreadsheet that are not selected.

Number of unchecked checkboxes

When we check a checkbox or uncheck it, the cell count results will automatically be updated, because the COUNTIF formula in Google Sheets is used.

Change checkboxes in Google Sheets

How to count checkboxes in Sheets when using the Validation tool

When you insert a checkbox in Google Sheets, in addition to using the existing Checkbox feature, we can use the Data Validation tool. Then the data for the checkbox is no longer the default TRUE and FALSE, but users can replace it with YES and NO, or any other value.

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If you change this value, you can still count checkboxes using the COUNTIF function easily by doing as above.

To count the number of checkboxes in COUNTIF, you enter formula = COUNTIF (A1:A8; “YES”)note that you must use the “” sign as shown below for the function to recognize the value.

Then press Enter and also output the number of checkboxes with check marks.

Count Google Sheets checkboxes using Data Validation

Next, use the COUNTIF function with the same formula when you want to count the number of checkboxes without check marks. The results also display the correct number of unchecked checkboxes.

Count unchecked Google Sheets checkboxes

If you change the checkbox or uncheck the checkbox, the cell count result will also be automatically updated. So we can apply the COUNTIF function in Google Sheets to count values ​​according to any content.

Video tutorial on counting checkboxes in Google Sheets



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