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HomeTechnologyDTCL Destiny lineup season 11, how to play, and items

DTCL Destiny lineup season 11, how to play, and items

Many of the Destiny generals of DTCL season 11 can cause damage and even if you don't build Destiny, you can still use Destiny generals as the main force to link with other formations, for example the squad. DTCL Darkness season 11.

Therefore, Destiny will often appear in the list of DTCL season 11 squads. If you need suggestions for building the Destiny squad in this season 11 with equipment and general build roadmap, please scroll down below.

DTCL Destiny squad season 11, build DTCL Destiny season 11

Early game

Just keep it simple, starting with cheap Fate champions, add 3 Fates including Yasuo, Ahri and Kindred. Add a tank or damage champion depending on what you need. If you take the high-priced mains at the end of the game, just level up normally. If you slowroll these low-priced champions, eat the losing streak, don't level up and save money to roll for these low-priced champions at level 5.

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Mid game

If you have chosen to roll for low-cost generals, roll Yasuo and Ahri at level 5 to 3 stars and roll to level 6 after rolling these 2 generals to 3 stars. If you don't roll or don't see low-cost Destiny champions appear much, just level up normally. Click 5 Destiny as below.

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End of game

The end of the game is the time to determine the formation. If you use low-cost champion slowroll, you will level up to level 8 more slowly to activate 7 Fates. However, after rolling 3 stars for low-cost generals, you can win again to gain money, level 8 and gather all 7 Fates.

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Milestone 7 Destiny is often the final destination you should have if you decide to follow Destiny. Fate's buff will be increased by more than 250%, so champions will maximize the added Fate stats.

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Items for Destiny TFT season 11 champions

Items for Destiny champions will be quite diverse, Yasuo and Thresh, Sett will be suitable for tank items such as Stone Statue Beast, Blood Armor, Thorn Armor, Dragon Claw, Atonement Pendant, Blood Sword… Sett Also suitable for some damage-dealing equipment such as Hand of Justice, Giant Power, Infinity Sword…

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Destiny generals and skills

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hri – Magician/Fate

Skill: Love bomb

  • Mana: 0/60
  • Deals 220/330/500 magic damage to the current target and 110/165/250 magic damage to adjacent enemies.
  • Destiny Bonus: Gain 25 additional magic power.

Yasuo – Fate/Duel

Skill: Storm of swords

  • Mana: 0/80
  • Intrinsic: Attacking while shielded deals additional magic damage equal to 36/36/41 armor/magic resistance
  • Activation: Gain 265/300/362 shield for 5 seconds and deal 200/300/450 magic damage to the current target.
  • Destiny Bonus: Get 400 shields at the start of combat.

Kindred – God of the Forest/Destiny/Death

Skill: Arrows bloom

  • Mana: 0/30
  • Dash away from current target, dealing 135/200/285 magic damage to them and 75/115/175 magic damage to nearest enemies.
  • Destiny Bonus: Bonus 20% attack speed

Aphelios – Destiny/Sniper

Skill: Sunset Waves

  • Reduces armor of 3 nearest enemies by 20% for 7 seconds. Then shoot 3 shots at them, dealing physical damage to enemies.
  • Destiny Bonus: Increases physical damage by 25%.

Thresh – Fate/Giant

Skill: Dark Road

  • Grants shields to Thresh and the ally with the lowest health for 4 seconds and deals magic damage to enemies adjacent to both. Thresh shares 30/30/35% of his armor and magic resistance with the shielded ally for 6 seconds .
  • Destiny Bonus: Gain 20 armor and magic resistance
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Syndra – Fate/Mage

Skill: Ghost Butterfly

  • Intrinsic: Start combat with 7 butterflies and gain 1 extra butterfly every 2 casts or when an ally is killed.
  • Activation: Syndra throws all of her butterflies at the current target, dealing magic damage with each butterfly hit.
  • Destiny Bonus: Deals 12% more damage.

Sett – Fate/Darkness/Guard

Skills: Darkness and Light

  • Intrinsic: Starting combat, Sett crunches around the target in the same row. Get 1% permanent bonus physical health for every 1000 health crunches achieved.
  • Activation: Sett stomps the target in front of him, stunning them and dealing physical damage to them. In addition, he also deals physical damage equivalent to % of the target's maximum health plus to enemies within a range of 2.5 cells.
  • Destiny Bonus: Get 15% total bloodsteal.
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Fate, like Darkness, has enough tank and damage-dealing champions so you don't need to combine with many other clans.



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