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HomeTechnologyHow to change system language in Windows 10

How to change system language in Windows 10

When installing and setting up Windows10, the system will ask to choose a language, you can change it later. This article will guide you how to change the language system and add languages ​​to the default system on Windows 10.

When do you need to change the Windows 10 system language?

Most people will never need to change language after the initial Windows setup. But there may be some situations where you want to do this. Such as:

Maybe a relative or friend from another country is visiting and wants to use your computer. The article recommends creating a new standard user account for them and changing the account language based on their preferences.

This is also very useful if you are learning a new language and want to practice by having your computer elements appear in the new language. Icons and button locations will be the same in all languages.

If you bought an old computer that was set up in a language you don't understand, you can use these tips to change the system language. However, if the previous user did not delete their data, it is probably better to factory reset Windows 10 to start using the new machine.

Way Change system language on Windows 10

If you recently moved to another region or are using a device with an incorrect language configuration, you don't need to reinstall Windows 10. You just need to change a few settings to set the system language become precise.

Disable language synchronization

When you use a Microsoft account on Windows 10, your language settings will sync across devices. In case you plan to change the language and region settings for just one computer, you should turn off the option to sync these settings before making any changes to prevent the new configuration from overwriting the settings. on other devices.

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To turn off language sync on Windows 10, follow these steps:

1. Open Settings.

2. Click Accounts.

3. Click Sync your settings.

4. In section Individual sync settingsturn off the toggle switch Language preferences.

Turn off the Language preferences toggle switch
Turn off the Language preferences toggle switch

Once you complete the steps, you can change your language settings without affecting the settings on other devices.

Change system language

To change the system language on Windows 10, close any running applications and then follow these steps:

1. Open Settings.

2. Click Time & Language.

3. Click Language.

4. In section Preferred languages. languagesclick the button Add a preferred language.

Click the Add a preferred language button
Click the Add a preferred language button

5. Search for the language you want on Windows 10.

6. Select the language pack from the results.

7. Click the button Next.

8. Check the options Set as my display language.

9. Check the options Install language pack.

10. Select or remove additional language features as needed.

11. Click the button Install.

Click the Install button
Click the Install button

12. Click the button Yes, sign out now.

Click the Yes, sign out now button
Click the Yes, sign out now button

13. Sign back into your Windows 10 account.

After you complete the steps, the language will change throughout the Windows 10 experience. The new changes will be reflected in the Sign-in screen, Settings app, File Explorer, Desktop, apps, your browser and the websites you visit. Additionally, depending on the new settings, Windows 10 may prompt you to review your privacy settings.

Change regional settings

If you change your system language because you're in a different region, you'll also need to update your regional settings.

To change local area settings on Windows 10, follow these steps:

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1. Open Settings.

2. Click Time & Language.

3. Click Region.

4. Use the drop-down menu Country or region to select the geographical location, if it is different from the current setting.

Use the Country or region drop-down menu to select a geographic location
Use the Country or region drop-down menu to select a geographic location

5. In section Regional formatuse the drop-down menu to select the correct format for the date and time, if it differs from your region.

6. Click Language on the left panel.

7. In section Related settings on the right, click options Administrative language settings.

8. In tabs Administrativeclick the button Copy settings.

9. In section Copy your current settings toselect options Welcome screen and system accounts and New user accounts.

Select the Welcome screen and system accounts and New user accounts options
Select the Welcome screen and system accounts and New user accounts options

10. Click the button OK.

11. Click the button OK once again.

12. Click the button Restart now.

Once you complete the steps, your device will display the correct region settings according to your physical location.

Typically, you will never need to change or install additional languages. The ability to adjust these settings is often beneficial for small and large organizations, with users with different language preferences.

Additionally, this feature will be useful in situations when you move to another region and want to match local settings, or when purchasing a new computer shipped from another country, as it Not available where you live.

Remember that when you change your language settings, you may lose the ability to use Cortana, as this digital assistant is not supported in most regions.

How to delete language above Windows 10

Delete ngolf language tYes Language Preferences

When there is more than one language on the computer, the easiest way to access the language settings is to click the language indicator on the Taskbar and click Language preferences.

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Select Language preferences

If the language you want to delete is the system's default language, select another language as the default language. You don't need to log out and back in to apply changes. In case the language you want to delete is not the default language, click on it on the screen Region & language and then click on Remove.

Select Remove

If there is only one language on the computer, the language indicator will be removed from the Taskbar.

The language indicator disappears from the Taskbar

Remove gvomit ngolf language

If you no longer intend to use that language, you can delete it. Note, reinstalling language packs has many problems after uninstalling them, so users need to consider before removing the installation pack.

To remove a language pack, press the key Windows + R to open the dialog box Runtype “cmd.exe” into the box Open and press OK.

Open Command Prompt

At the prompt in Command Prompt, type the following command and press Enter:

Lpksetup /u

Enter command

After entering the command, the dialog box Install or uninstall display languages will appear, check the language you want to uninstall and click Next.

Select the language you want to remove

The uninstallation progress displays.

Uninstallation process

To close the Command Prompt window, type “exit. exit” at the prompt or click the X in the upper right corner.

Click close to close the dialog box

Restart your computer to complete the uninstallation process.

Wishing you success

See more: Switch Vietnamese for Windows 10



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