Like WhatsApp, Telegram now has a feature that helps users save data usage when calling. When you use mobile data, making video or voice calls requires a lot of data. If so, enable the data saving option on Telegram, which will help you reduce data usage without significantly affecting call quality. Below are instructions to enable call data saving on Telegram.
How to enable call data saving on Telegram
Step 1:
At the interface on Telegram, users click Settings section in the bottom corner below the interface. Switch to the new interface, the user clicks on it Data and Storage section.

Step 2:
In this interface, users need Enable the Use Less Data for Calls setting to save data when making calls on Telegram.

With the Telegram version on Android, you have the option of Only while roaming as shown below. We can also change if we want.
- Always: This option will reduce data usage for all calls, whether you use mobile data or Wi-Fi.
- Mobile Data: This option only applies when using mobile data, helping you save on mobile costs while not affecting Wi-Fi calls.
- Never: keep data usage at normal levels for best call quality.