Thứ Tư, Tháng Ba 12, 2025
HomeFinanceAlign margins in Google Docs

Align margins in Google Docs

To align margins in Google Docs we can use a number of different methods to get a professional document. Google Docs uses basic and default margin sizes for document types. But if you want, you can also manually adjust the Google Docs margin size according to the document's requirements. The article below will guide you to adjust margins in Google Docs.

How to adjust Google Docs margins using the Ruler bar

Step 1:

First, in the Google Docs interface, look at the toolbar above the interface and click View and then enable Show Ruler mode.

Show ruler on Google Docs

Step 2:

Now you will see The ruler bar displays at the top of the document so we can readjust. We Hover over these blue arrows Then drag them left or right to adjust the margins accordingly.

Adjust the top margin for Google Docs documents

We can also do this Adjust the vertical size of the document on the left edge of the interface. Move your mouse over the left ruler bar until a 2-way arrow appears, then drag the ruler up or down to adjust the distance above the document.

Adjust the left margin for Google Docs documents

Also in the ruler bar you can create tabs to align individual lines or paragraphs in the document.

  • Add left tab-stop: Align the line to the left.
  • Add center tab-stop: Align the line in the middle.
  • Add right tab-stop: Align the line to the right.

Create tabs for Google Docs documents

How to change Google Docs margins using Page Setup

Step 1:

You click File and then select Page Setup below to set document margins.

Set up a Google Docs page

Step 2:

Show interface for you to adjust margins in Google Docs. You enter the width for the top, bottom, left, and right margins for the document page. In addition, we can change the paper size, change the document's orientation, change the document background color,…

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After setting up, click OK to proceed.

Enter margins for Google Docs documents

How to align Google Docs margins on the phone

Step 1:

At the interface on Google Docs we click 3 dots icon in the top right corner. Show options for the document, you press Page setup to adjust margins.

Step 2:

Next, click Margins section to adjust document margins. In this new interface you will see margin customization for Google Docs documents. We can immediately use the available margin size, or Click Customize.

Here you are Enter the margin you want to set already given the documents Click Apply okay.

Apply margins to phone Docs documents



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