Thứ Sáu, Tháng Ba 14, 2025
HomeOperators in SQL -

Operators in SQL –

Operators in SQL is knowledge that every programmer needs to know. Division in SQL just a small part of it. Below is basic knowledge about operators in SQL.

Programming is really not an easy subject for many people to understand. However, if you are truly passionate and want to discover the secrets of the code, you will find it really interesting. Currently you have many programming language options such as Python, CSS, HTML… SQL is also extremely popular in this field.

Basically, SQL is the abbreviation for Structured Query Language. It collects commands that help programmers interact with the database easily. It is considered a standard language, used for most relational database systems such as MySQL, MS Access, Oracle, Postgres and SQL Server…

Learning SQL is not difficult. It's best to learn from the most basic concepts. What are operators in SQL? If you already know how to multiply in SQL, you probably partly understand this concept. If not, below is useful information for you.

What are operators in SQL?

The words and characters reserved for the WHERE clause in a query are called operators. In SQL, an operator can be unary or binary. The unary operator uses only one operand to perform operand operations, on the contrary, the binary operator uses two operands to perform binary operations.

Syntax of the Unary SQL operator

Operator SQL_Operand

Syntax of Binary SQL operators

Operand1 SQL_Operator Operand2

Operators in SQL include:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Comparison operator
  • Logical operators
  • Operators are used to negate conditions

Arithmetic operators in SQL

Suppose variable a save value is 10, variable b save value 21Later

Operator Describe For example
+ Add: Addition of variables a + b gives the result 31
Apart from: Subtraction of variables a – b gives the result -11
* Core: Multiplication of variables a * b gives the result 210
/ Divide: Division of variables b / a gives the result 2
% Divide to get the remainder: Divide the left operand by the right operand and get the remainder of that calculation. b % a gives a result of 1

SQL Bitwise Operators

In digital computer programming, Bitwise operations operate on one or more binary numbers or binary-like strings. Bitwise is a mathematical operation that is both simple and fast because it is directly supported by the processor. Not only that, Bitwise calculations use less power because they are less resource intensive.

Operator Name Describe

If both bits are 1, the return value is 1, otherwise return 0.

| OR

If either bit is 1, the return value is 1, otherwise return 0.


If the two bits are different, the return value is 1, otherwise return 0.


Invert all bits, 0 to 1 and 1 to 0.

Comparison operators in SQL

Suppose the two variables a and b above are assigned values ​​as follows: a=10, b=20.

Operator Describe For example
= Checks whether the values ​​of the two operands on both sides of the equal sign are equal. If so, the condition is true. (a = b) is not true.
!= Checks if the values ​​of two operands are equal, if not then the condition is true. (a != b) is true.
Checks if the values ​​of two operands are equal, if not then the condition becomes true. (ab) is true.
> Checks if the value of the left operand is greater than the value of the right operand, if yes then the condition becomes true. (a > b) is not true.
Checks if the value of the left operand is less than the value of the right operand, if so, then the condition becomes true. (a
>= Checks if the value of the left operand is greater than or equal to the value of the right operand, if yes then the condition becomes true. (a >= b) is not true.
Checks if the value of the left operand is less than or equal to the value of the right operand, if yes then the condition becomes true. (a
! Checks if the value of the left operand is not less than the value of the right operand, if yes then the condition becomes true. (ah !
!> Checks if the value of the left operand is not greater than the value of the right operand, if yes then the condition becomes true. (a !> b) is true.

There are also combining operators such as:

Logical operators in SQL

This is a list of logical operators in SQL.

Operator Describe
ALL The ALL operator is used to compare a value with all values ​​in another set of values.
AND The AND operator allows multiple conditions to coexist in the WHERE clause of an SQL command.
ANY The ANY operator is used to compare a value with any appropriate value in a list depending on the condition.
BETWEEN The BETWEEN operator is used to search for a value in a set of values, with the minimum value and maximum value given.
EXISTS The EXISTS operator is used to search for the presence of a row in a table that satisfies a specific condition.
PRINT The IN operator is used to compare a value with a predefined list of string values.
LIKE The LIKE operator is used to compare values ​​with similar values, using Wildcard operators.
NOT The NOT operator reverses the meaning of the logical operator with which it is used. For example: NOT EXISTS, NOT BETWEEN, NOT IN,… This is a negation operator.
OR The OR operator is often used to concatenate multiple conditions in the WHERE clause of an SQL command. Will return TRUE if any of the statements in OR are true.
SOME The SOME operator will return TRUE if any subquery value meets the condition
IS NULL The NULL operator is used to compare a value with a NULL value.
UNIQUE The UNIQUE operator searches for uniqueness in every row in the table (no duplicates).

At this point, you have grasped the most basic operands in SQL. In the next lesson, we will learn about SQL expressions. Don't miss it.



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