When we proceed to break text in Excel, we will have to manually capitalize the first letter of the sentence. Or when downloading data files online, sometimes you also have to edit the content and layout of the document, such as adjusting the first letter in each word. If done manually to capitalize the first letter, it is time-consuming and unprofessional. Therefore, you can use some of the tricks in the article below to capitalize in Excel depending on each case.
1. Capitalize all Excel letters using the UPPER function
The UPPER function is used to capitalize all letters in Excel cells. Using the UPPER function is also very simple, with the syntax =UPPER(the text wants to capitalize all letters).
In the new content input box after converting to capital letters, enter the formula as shown =UPPER(text box) then press Enter.
We will then see the results of the capitalized letters as shown below.
2. How to use the Vietkey tool to capitalize Excel
Step 1:
First of all, the computer needs to install Unikey Vietnamese typing software. Highlight letters that need to be capitalizedLater Copy data using Ctrl + C keys. Then right-click on the Unikey icon under the Taskbar and select tools…(CS+F6).
Step 2:
Displaying the Unikey Toolkit tool interface, you Select the Convert to upper case category Already Click Transcoding below.
Step 3:
You paste the copied content. So we have the capital letters as shown below.
3. Capitalize the first letter in Excel using UPPER and LOWER
When we combine the UPPER and LOWER functions, the first letter of the line will be capitalized and the other characters will remain in lower case.
We have the function formula =UPPER(LEFT(G34,1))&LOWER(RIGHT(G34,LEN(G34)-1)) and then press Enter. In there:
- (LEFT(G34,1) takes only the first character to the left of cell G34.
- (RIGHT (G34, LEN (G34) -1) to get all the characters of cell B3, removing the first character.
As a result, we get the first character in the content capitalized.
4. Capitalize the first letter of Excel using the function PROPER
To convert the first letters to uppercase in Excel, you just need to use PROPER function to convert existing text into new text, with all first letters capitalized.
The formula used is =PROPER(text needs to capitalize the first letter). We can replace the text that needs to be capitalized with an Excel cell. If using text, quotation marks are required.
With the words in this table, when entering the function, there must be quotation marks “network administrator”.
If replaced by cell position, the result will also produce the first letter in capital letters.
Then just copy the results of the first cell to the remaining cells.
5. Capitalize the first letter in Excel when entering data
When you first start entering data in Excel, the simplest way is to use the Shift key and type the letter that needs to be capitalized. This is the fastest way to write capital letters in Excel. We Press the Shift key and the letter you want to capitalize at the same time then release your hand. Then enter the content below.
Another capitalization is Use the Caps Lock key. We press the Caps Lock key and then enter the letter. The Caps Lock key is also used to capitalize all letters in data cells. We just need to turn on the Caps Lock key, then enter the letter. Then turn off Caps Lock to continue writing lowercase letters. Caps Lock only applies capitalization when we turn it on.
Typing capital letters in Excel is very simple, you can use the keyboard or use the capitalization function. If you have to edit the table again, using the PROPER function will save time. If entering directly, use capitalization keys like normal editing.