Thứ Sáu, Tháng Ba 7, 2025
HomeFinanceHow to use Microsoft Word's input material

How to use Microsoft Word's input material

If you spend many hours writing, you will see that Word's spelling tool is really a tool to change the game. You can write without being distracted and focused on the pouring ideas instead of being caught up in the typing mechanism.

Activate and use the Voice Typing feature in Word

Start using Microsoft Word's Voice Typing feature and this process is exactly the same whether you are using the Word application on PC or in the web browser. All you need to do is navigate to the tab Home and click the button Dictate. There is even a faster way to launch the tool: Press the shortcut Alt + ` In Word.

Word documents have spelling tools
Word documents have spelling tools

After you activate the spelling tool, just start speaking and Word will handle the rest. This tool is transcribed in real time and even processes the sentence signs if you put the sentence mark in the speech. For example, when saying “Hello comma How are you Question Mark”, the Word results will enter: Hello, How are you?

Note: Microsoft Word's spelling tool requires Microsoft 365 registration.

Automatically mark and read spelling in many different languages

A really useful spelling feature is automatically doting, you can enable this feature by clicking the gear icon on the spelling tool and switching to Enable Auto-Punct. Always turn this feature because it's surprisingly accurate and help you not to say the dot.

When this settings are turned on, Word will automatically add dots, commas and other sentence marks at any position they often lie. In this way, you can focus entirely on your thoughts instead of having to worry about placing a comma or a dot.

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Word documents have spelling tools
Word documents have spelling tools

Another outstanding possibility is how Word supports spelling in many good languages. Language conversion is very simple: in the spelling tool settings, select Language And choose from many different options, including Hindi, French, German, Italian, etc.

Voice of text format

What many people like in Microsoft Word's voice input feature is not only the ability to read pure text spelling – Word also allows voice format. If you want to emphasize a word, just say “bold words” to apply bold format.

For example, if you read the sentence “Windows is better than mac” and continue to say “Bold Mac”, then it will automatically print the word “Mac” in the sentence. This feature also has an italic effect or bricked words.

But do not stop there – you can easily make a list. Just say “Start List” or “Start Numbered List” and Word will format the text into a line or number. When completed, just say “Exit List” and the format will return to normal text.

Word document has a voice input tool
Word document has a voice input tool

What is even more wonderful is that you can combine input by voice to the traditional way. This feature allows you to read a paragraph while entering the specific parts of the text that you want to control more or need detailed format.



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