Round fan image is a special geometric form in plane geometry. The following article would like to introduce to you what the concept of fan -shaped is, the formula for calculating the area of a round fan shape, the circumference of a round fan shape. Please refer.
What is a fan image?
The picture is limited by two radius OA, OB and AB round as shown below, called a circular fan shape.
So the fan image is part of the circle limited by two radius and one bow
Formula for calculating fan image area
If S is the fan area, the formula for calculating the area of a circular fan has 2 expressions:
In there:
Is the area of a round fanR
is the radius of the circle, as shown in the figure, R = OA = OBℓ
As the length of the supply, in the picture, ℓ has the length of the supply AB.
The formula for calculating the circumference of the circular fan
The circumference formula of the circular fan shape is determined by the formula:
In there:
A fan -shaped circumferenceR
Is the radius of the center circle oℓ
Is the length of the supply
Examples of the area of round fan -shaped, round fan circumference
Lesson 1:
Calculate the area of a round fan when you know, radius R = 5 cm, angle n = 30º.
Prize: Apply the formula to calculate the fan image we have:
Lesson 2:
Calculate the area of a round fan when you know the radius R = 7 cm, the length of the supply ℓ = 5 cm.
Prize: Apply the formula to calculate the fan image we have:
Lesson 3:
Calculate the circumference of a fan shape with an area of 8 cm2, the supply has a length of 5 cm.
Prize: We have:
Based on the formula of the circumference of the fan shape we have: C = 2R + ℓ = 2.3.2 + 5 = 11.4 (cm).
Also do not miss a series of articles calculating the area of the circle, the area of the pyramid and another series of pictures.