CS 1.1 command code or also known as Half Life command is not always used to cheat people around. Many Counter Strike 1.1 commands can help gamers because of their playing habits. You can also use the CS 1.1 cheat code for CS 1.6 version because CS 1.1 is not much different from CS 1.6.
Below is a summary of CS 1.1 command codes that you can memorize and use when playing with your friends. Remember, if you want your match to be interesting, don't use codes that benefit yourself.
Summary of CS 1.1 command codes, Half Life 1.1 cheats
CS 1.1 command for character
- Sv_cheat 1: Enable cs 1.1 command code mode, if this code is not typed, all other command lines will have no effect.
- Sv_aim 0: Automatically focuses on the target, only effective when using guns like Scout (45), AWM (46), SG550 (47). Often people who are new to shooting sniper rifles will use this code.
- Sv_accelerate 5: Increases speed while underwater
- Sv_airacecelerate 10: To move faster, you can change to another number, if it is over 10n it will be faster and below 10 it will move slower.
- Sv_airmove: Apparating or flying in the air, is not applied much when playing.
- Sv_stepsize 9999: The code climbs the wall. If you want to return to normal, type 0.
- Sv_skycolor r 9: Change the character's color to red if standing outdoors
- Sv_skycolor r 99: Same as the code above, but the color will be different
- Sv_skycolor r 999: Same as the code above, but the color will be different
- Sv_skycolor bl 9: Code changes color to blue
- Sv_skycolor bl 99: Same as the code above, but changed to a different color
- Sv_skycolor bl 999: Same as the code above, but changed to a different color
- Sv_skycolor gre 9: Code changes color to green
- Sv_skycolor gre 99: Same as the code above, but changed to a different color
- Sv_skycolor gre 999: Same as the code above, but changed to a different color
- Sv_fiction [9999999999]: Goes very fast but is only effective for 4 seconds
- Sv_restartround 0: Restart the server, all indicators will be set to 0
- Sv_spectatormaxspeed: Adjusted the speed of walking around the map, applies to souls or those who have not yet chosen a team.
- Sv_stopspeed: Ma stopped, didn't lose momentum, and adjusted his speed
- Sv_maxspeed: Increase movement speed to maximum
- Sv_waterraccelerate: Accelerate underwater, combine the “;” key. to swim.
- Sv_sendvelocity 0: Command to improve game quality for weak configuration devices.
- Sv_password: Create a password for the server
- Sv_timeout 60/0: Activate all players in the same room within 60 seconds.
- Sv_lan 1: Allows you to connect to LAN within the same system
- Sv_gravity (-999 or 9999): Gravity code, the higher the index, the longer it flies. If you set it to 0, it will always float in the sky. If you set the number to a negative number, you won't be able to jump and will lose blood when going down the stairs.
- Sv_clienttrace 1: To chase bullets, you just need to point the gun at the sky and fire. The number of kills will automatically increase.
- Sv_failuretime 0.5: Adjusted the freeze time before being moved at the beginning of each game.
- Sv_waterfriction 1: Improved underwater movement speed.
- Sv_challengetime 15: Increase time per round
- Sv_zmax 4096/00: See through walls, for this code to take effect you must set 3D screen mode in Video Mode
- Sv_skyname: Name Sky
- Sv_maxvelocity 2000: Helps move faster
Code to adjust general game parameters:
- Mp_startmoney 800: Adjust the amount of money received from the beginning of the game, you can adjust from 800 to 16000.
- Mp_logdetail 1: The code distinguishes the enemy or your side. If it is an enemy, when shooting, there will be a red dot in the barrel of the gun and vice versa.
- Mp_fadetoblack 1: Fighting against dead players can detect players who are still alive.
- Mp_buytime 1.5: Setting the time to buy weapons should be set low to avoid bomb trafficking.
- Mp_winlimit 0: Set the number of wins in the game, for example, if you set it to 5, the team that wins 5 will be the winner.
- Mp_limitteams 2: Adjust the number of players in each team
- Mp_autokick 1: Automatically activates players with poor network connections and low configuration causing lag.
- Mp_autoteambalance 1: Automatically balance players on each team.
- Mp_chasecam 1: Adjusted teammate tracking mode after death
- Mp_c4timer: Adjust the time the C4 bomb explodes, you can adjust it from the default of 45 seconds to 90 seconds.
- Mp_freezetime: In Half Life versions, this code is set at 0, but in Counter Strike it is
- Mp_roundtime: Adjust the time for each round. If set to 5 minutes, it will be 5 minutes for each level.
- Mp_friendlyfire 0/1: Allows dealing damage to allies, 0 is off and 1 is on
- Mp_timelimit 4: Maximum time of each game.
- Mp_maxrounds 10: Set the number of rounds each time you create a game network
- Mp_footsteps 1: Set sound for footsteps, clearly heard based on distance
- Mp_flashlight 0/1: Turn on/off the flashlight
- Mp_hostagepenalty 1/0: Enable/disable money deduction when you kill hostages, effective for all players. The T side will have an advantage when they can completely use hostages as cannon fodder.
- Mp_logmessages 0/1: When you die, you can't chat
- Mp_forcechasecam 0/1/2: You can only see your teammates when they are dead
- Mp_chattime 10: The time limit code allows chatting with each other, this code can limit players from spamming and cursing
- Mp_weaponstay 0: This code helps you pick up a gun with full ammunition, regardless of whether this gun has previously been purchased with ammunition or not.
Client Option CS code 1.1
- Cl_observercrosshair 1: Turn Crosshair mode on and off
- Cl_hidefrags 1: Hide/Show Kill/Death indicator or press Tab
- Cl_gg: Turn Gaube game mode on and off
- Cl_himodels 0/1: Turn on and off the Higher Models view
- Cl_yawspeed 210: Command codes help move quickly in the game
- Cl_upspeed 320: Accelerate climbing
- Cl_movespeedkey 0.3: Increase key sensitivity
- Cl_anglespeedkey 0.67: Increase the speed of receiving commands from keys
- Cl_gatestimation 1: Increase the sound of footsteps
- Cl_rol [bấm tab] 3: Code goes sideways
- Cl_bobcycle 0.1: Recoil adjustment code in hand
- Cl_sidespeed x: Set the diagonal speed faster
- Cl_forwardspeed x: Set a faster forward speed
- Cl_backwardspeed x: Set faster backward movement speed.
Code to buy equipment quickly
- Bind E “setinfo lefthand 1”: Code changes the gun to the left hand, press the E key to turn it on and off
- Bind R “setinfo lefthand 0”: Code to change gun to right hand, press R to turn it on and off
- Bind E “menuselect x”, x=1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8: Buy items very quickly, guns, grenades, armor with just a single E key.
- Bind L “crosshair 0”: Turn on/off Crosshair mode
- Bind P “gl_zmax 0/1460”: Use a 3D screen to see through walls.
- Bind E “chooseteam;buy menuselect 6;buy menuselect 1”: Die and come back to life after 5 seconds.
- Note that after Bind you can assign any key other than the E, L, R or P keys above, as long as they do not overlap with any functional keys on the keyboard, for example you cannot mounted Bind Shift “crosshair 0” Because the Shift key is the reload key.
Some personal CS 1.1 code
- Skills: 1 player level code
- Hud_centerid 0/1: Enable/Disable IP display
- Notarget 00: The code removes the red dot when shooting and your body will not light up.
- Sidedown/Sideup: Decrease/increase screen
- Ghost 0/1: Death view
- Max_shell: Increase maximum appearance in screens
- Max_smokepuffs: Increases maximum breath for maps with snow
- Fastspiters 0/1/2: Increase and decrease the smoke level of smoke bombs.
- Net_Address: See the IP address entering your network
- Togglebrowser: Pause the game and find another game.
- Status: See full player parameters.
- Time: Play time from start to present.
- Timerefresh: Refresh all the time.
- Add: Add new players, Add Bot means add machines.
- +/-graph: Show/Hide heart rate, electrocardiogram.
- Zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.2: Adjust sensitivity when aiming
- Password: Set password to prevent Retry and Reconnect
- Escape: Exit the game server
- Echo: Create buzz
- Drawradar: Command to use Radar
- Dideradar: Cancel using Radar
- Cancelselect: Exit Console
- Force_centerview: Increase screen size
- Firstperson and thirdperson: Player perspective mode when dying
Other code in CS 1.1
- +/-reload: Automatically reloads the gun when it fires 1 bullet.
- +/- duck: Sitting mode
- +/-jump: Turn on jump mode
- +/-speed: Increase movement speed
- +/-moveleft: Automatically move left
- +/-moveright: Automatically move to the right
- +/-lockdown: Automatically look down
- +/-lookup: Automatically look up
- +/- camyawright: Technique goes to the right
- +/-camyawleft: Technique goes left
- +/-showscores: Displays the list of players
- +/- score: Shows scores of all players
- +/- speed: Go slow
- +/-strafe: Do not adjust the mouse up or down
- +/-back: Automatically reverse
- +/-forward: Automatically advance
- +/- right: Automatically right
- +/-left: Automatically left
- Shutdownserver: Exit
- Soundfade: Turn off sound
- Version: See the CS version in play
- Drunk: General chat
- Say_team: Talk to teammates
- Tell: Talk
- Pause: Stop playing Server
- Save: Save Demo
- Autosave: Automatically save demos
- Startdemos: Start watching demo
- Demos + name: Start the selected demo
- Stopdemo: Stop Demo
- Mcache: See technical specifications
- Escape: Exit Console
- Toggleconsole: Exit Console.
- Maxplayer: See maximum number of players.
- Sideup: Increase screen
- Sidedown: Reduce screen
- Connect: Connect to current Servers
- Playdemo: See demo
- Stopdemo: Stop demo
- Removedemo: Remove demo
- Startmovie: Start the demo
- Endmovie: Close the demo
- Stopsound: Turn off sound
- Pingserver: View Server ping
- Suitvolume 0.25: View Server ping
- Sensitivity 5.7: Adjust mouse sensitivity
- D_midcap: Adjust 3D for the map
- Lefthand (default 1): Change character's hands
- Name “name”: Code to rename your character
- Exit: Exit
- Quit: Completely exit the game
- Users: See number of players
- adjust_crosshair: Change crosshair color
- Con_color: 256 256 256: Change HUD color
- Timeleft: Remaining time of the level
- Ping: See ping number
- Impulse 101: Money code, remember to type sv_cheat before entering this code to get money.
- Impulse 99: Enter about 7-8 times and the company logo will appear on the left corner of the screen.
- Impulse 195: Click on all the clients
- Impulse 102: Ma threw bones, the more he entered, the more bones he had
- Volume 1: Adjust the volume in the game
- Lightgamma 2.5, ambret-1.001, gamma 99, bright(tab)99: Brightness correction code
- Restart: Restart the server
- Map + map name: Change to another map
- God: Turn on immortality mode
- Noclip: Go through the wall
- Kick #name: Kick someone off the server
- Hostname: Name the Server
- Killserver: Exit the Server
- Retry: Exit and return
- Skin + skin name: Change the player's appearance
- Adbot (1 or 2): Add CT or Terrorist bots
- Brightness 99: Increase brightness
- hostkill: Escape the room
- Net_showpackets: Displays the packet command line running continuously
- D_micap 9: Increase brightness
- tex [phím tab] 9999: Black hands
- hud_f [phím tab] 1: Quickly draw the gun
- d_ tab tab tab tab -9: Anti-smoke bomb (not applicable with Direct 3D graphics mode)
Above are the Counter Strike 1.1 command codes and Half Life 1 commands. There will be codes that are only used for CS 1.1 and each code number is only valid when used specifically for each game. If in Half Life you can arbitrarily use commands when playing Single mode, if playing with friends in Half Life or CS, please apply parameter commands rather than commands that are beneficial for yourself.
Maybe in the near future, the console command window will appear Counter Strike 2 and you can also use a few of the commands above to help display the metrics. Counter Strike 2 is still in beta so the number of players will be limited.