The chat group created on the telegram also has the option to delete if the user no longer wants to use that chat group anymore. When you delete the group on the Telegram, no longer receives messages from that group. And members of the group will not access the group on the Telegram. Thus all content in the group will delete the whole. The following article will guide you to delete the group on the Telegram.
How to delete groups on telegram on the phone
Step 1:
First, click on the Telegram chat group you want to delete. Afterward Click on the group name Chat Telegram displays above the screen. Switch to a new interface, you Click on the pen icon To enter the editing interface for the Telegram group.

Step 2:
At the interface of adjustments for the Telegram group, the user looks down below Click on Delete and Leave Group To delete this group.
Step 3:
Then Telegram will ask if you are sure you want to delete this group, click on Delete Group to delete. If Want to delete this group for all members In the group, nFollow Delete the Group for All Members And also Press Delete Below to delete the group.
Instructions to delete the Telegram group on the computer
Step 1:
At the group interface on the computer telegram, click on 3 -dot symbol In the right corner of the interface.
Step 2:
Next, the user clicks Options Leave Group To proceed to delete this Telegram group.
Step 3:
Now Telegram asks if you want to leave this group or not, Press Leave to leave the group But the group will still be there for the members to use. You will not know what members of the group texted
If you are the Telegram group creator, you can Choose to select Delete for Everyone and then click Delete To delete this Telegram group for everyone.