Perhaps you have heard of the hidden Internet called the “Deep Web” or “DarkNet” that is not accessible from Google and is hidden to most casual web surfers. So how to get into the Deep Web, read this article!
Some initial ideas
Before you start your journey into the land of the hidden internet, have some ideas about where you're looking.
The deep web is not really a unified place. Many people have only heard about it in brief references from mainstream social networks. In fact, this is an irreplaceable place. The deep web is anywhere other than the “surface web” or “clearnet” that is crawled, indexed, and made available in search results by Google and its crawlers, often allowing anyone to access it.
The deep web can actually cover a wide variety of places, from academic databases, private membership sites to corporate portals. These are all places on the Internet that are hidden from the view of search engines and regular web visitors for privacy and security reasons, but of course these aren't what most people think about. when they talk about deep web.
In popular language, the deep web usually refers to a place where the entire contents of the Internet are located, in which all web pages are hidden from the view of ordinary web surfers and also where the people who use them hidden from the view of others. This is an anonymous Internet, in which it is difficult for spies, hackers or government agencies to track Internet users and see what websites they are using and what they are doing there. There are many “places” that are hidden from view while also hiding their users.
Why do people go to the Deep Web?
Perhaps stories about black markets selling all sorts of legal and illegal goods anonymously with Bitcoin have piqued your curiosity, and you want to dig deeper to see what they're like. any. Perhaps you live in a country where social networks and the regular Internet are censored and you want to visit a place where people are free to speak their minds freely and without fear of repercussion . Or perhaps you are simply concerned about your privacy and security online, and are attracted to the idea of an Internet space where users are not constantly tracked, monitored and analyzed by manipulative marketers, government spies, and malicious hackers. All of these are common reasons why people are interested in visiting the Deep Web.
Many people find the idea of even trying to access and use the deep Deep Web a bit scary, and if you're new to this type of stuff, you're probably feeling the same way. You may be worried about what you will see, who you may meet, or other possible mysteries regarding the use of something often associated with illegal activity. Please don't worry! You won't see anything you're not looking for and the advantage of the darknet is that no one you meet will know who you are and there is great security there. You will be safe and face no negative consequences when accessing the darknet. You also won't have any technical difficulties learning how to access the darknet and get directions once you've read this beginner's guide. Hope this article will tell you everything you need!
The Deep Web is not a single location, but consists of many different locations that have one thing in common, hidden from search engines and regular Internet users. Different areas of the Deep Web have different access requirements, and any technology used will only allow access to that specific area of the hidden Internet. There are very few technologies used to create the so-called “deep web” or “darknet”, the most prominent of which is TOR.
Benefits of the Deep Web
The deep web gives users access to more information than the surface web. This information could simply mean that the pages are not important enough to be listed. However, it also includes the latest TV shows, essential databases to manage your personal finances, and stories censored on the surface web. Much of the content on the deep web would not be available at all if only the surface web existed.
Privacy, often provided by encryption, is another benefit of the deep web. Encryption on the deep web allows paid service sites to keep their content away from non-paying Internet users, while serving it to paying customers. Database encryption is absolutely necessary for all forms of fintech to function properly. Without this type of security, neither companies nor individuals can safely conduct financial transactions over the Internet. The dark web is primarily designed to give users more privacy.
What components is the Deep Web composed of?
Although many people associate the deep web with something illegal, simply put, it is a huge sea of information that not everyone can access through a regular search.
The Deep Web includes millions of unindexed websites, private databases, fee-for-service (FFS) websites, and the notorious dark web.
So, by definition, the deep web is not illegal, although some parts of it – the previously mentioned dark web – are often used by cybercriminals and other lawbreakers for a variety of activities. various illegal activities. Even the dark web is not a place exclusively frequented by criminals.
The bottom line here is that both the deep web and the dark web offer privacy in an age where someone with good computer skills can dig up incredibly detailed information about any of us and our parties. third continuously collects users' personal data on a large scale.
That right to privacy can be used to protect free speech and for other noble purposes, but unfortunately, it is more commonly used to commit crimes.
Deep Web accounts for what percentage of the Internet?
Many experts estimate that the amount of content available on the deep web is significantly greater than what is available on the surface web. In fact, a rough estimate is that the surface web makes up only 5% of the Internet – the rest is the deep web.
Back in the 2000s, a study found that the deep web contained 550 billion documents. At that time, there were only a billion of those documents on the surface web. Both of these numbers have increased exponentially in 20 years of technological development.
TOR and way Use it to access Deep Web
TOR stands for “The Onion Router”, it gets its name because you will have to “peel back” many layers to find out the true identity of any user.
Tor is primarily a 'private network' that allows ordinary Internet users to avoid being tracked. It does this by tricking communication with many different computers, so instead of requesting the website from server Z, user A will ask user B to ask user C to request the website (of course this is a simplification and quite inaccurate). This means that any third party trying to track users will find it very difficult to know who is viewing the website, sending emails, or doing anything.
In addition to enhanced security for web browsers, TOR also provides a way to host “hidden services”. A hidden TOR service is a website or application of some kind of location, hidden in the same way the actual location or web browser identity is hidden in the example above. These hidden services can only be accessed by other TOR users – not by search engines or regular Internet users. It ends in .onion and usually consists of a seemingly random string of characters. Once you have TOR installed on your computer, you can access these hidden services such as black markets, where bitcoins, drugs and credit card information are traded just like accessing a regular website. often.
Installing TOR on your computer is as simple as installing any other software and it is very easy to use.
Use VPN with Tor
A virtual private network or VPN is another type of security software that masks IP addresses but does not allow access to Deep Web sites. Some users use a VPN along with Tor to hide their use of Tor. This is not necessary, but some people just want an extra level of privacy. You should use IPVanish if you're looking for a VPN that works well with Tor and offers a great service at a reasonable price.
Technologies Deep Other websites
- I2P – This is an anonymous network, users need to have a little knowledge of technology to be able to use and run it.
- FAI (Free Anonymous Internet) – Based on blockchain technology, this network allows anonymous content to be published and browsed. It has a social network style home page that allows following other users, sharing content with followers.
- FreeNet – One of the oldest and most highly rated systems. FreeNet combines the Deep Web with the DarkNet, which means you can maintain a list of trusted peers and only connect to them, or connect to less trustworthy peers. This provides the highest level of privacy and security for every system.
- ZeroNet – Based on torrent technology combined with Bitcoin encryption, this is a new system and under development.
See more:
How to enter the Deep Web
Accessing the Deep Web is similar to accessing the regular Internet. You can use a search engine or a site like Tor Hidden Wiki which contains a list of interesting links, but is often old and not free.
There is even a special search engine for finding hidden services and allowing viewing .onion sites through a proxy – even without TOR installed. It can be found at Onion.Link and is probably the easiest and most convenient way to access the hidden internet, but without installing TOR and just using a proxy service like this you won't anonymous.
If you are looking for ways to access black markets, you can visit, which provides information about many different black markets including statistics on uptime, technology used, goods sales, reviews, etc..
See more: How to search safely on the deep web?