Telegram also deploys voice calling and voice messaging so users can easily communicate with each other. This is a popular feature on many other messaging applications, including the Telegram application. And users can completely limit calls and voice messages on Telegram, adjust the call mode and voice messages for you. Users will then choose who can call and send voice messages to you on Telegram. The article below will guide you to limit calls and voice messages on Telegram.
How to block voice calls on Telegram
Step 1:
At the interface on Telegram, click settings icon below. Then the user clicks on it Privacy and security section.

Step 2:
In this interface, the user clicks on it Calls section to adjust the call receiving mode on Telegram. Here People can call me section You choose 1 of 3 modes. If selected My Contacts mode then below Exceptions section We choose the specific case: Do not allow anyone to call you, or Always allow someone to call you.
Step 3:
If selected No one calls you mode on Telegram then you can choose select the Always Allow exception call you.
Also you can Adjust iOS Call Integration modeif this mode is enabled, Telegram calls will be displayed on the lock screen and system call history.
How to block voice messages on Telegram
If you use the Telegram Premium version, you have the option to adjust the mode of receiving voice messages on the application.
Step 1:
At the interface on the Telegram Premium application, click on it gear icon then select Settings.
Next, click to select Privacy and Security.
Step 2:
Now you will click to select Voice Messages section to readjust message receiving mode chat on Telegram.
Step 3:
In this interface, users will also choose the mode to receive voice messages on Telegram according to their preferences.