Thứ Tư, Tháng Hai 12, 2025
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How to calculate the average score for subjects 1, 2, and the whole year

Calculating the average score of HKI, HKII, and whole year subjects will help you know the results of your child's learning process in the last semester or the entire school year, thereby providing better and appropriate learning directions. more with each student.

Students' parents only need to enter the average subject score to get the average score for the entire school year. The calculation method for each school year will be different because the subjects of each block will be different. The average subject score is calculated by adding the total score of all tests, exams, assignments, etc. of that subject if any and dividing by the total number of tests, exams, and assignments for that subject. . Below are instructions for calculating subject average scores for HKI, HKII or the entire year.

1. Calculate average scores online using an automatic tool

Teachers choose a grade and class and then fill in the average score for each displayed subject, for example, enter Math 7.5. Click View results below.

Calculate average score for online courses

2. Calculate average subject score using Excel file

The tool to calculate subject average score using Excel file is made by Master Doan Trong Binh – Vice Principal of Huong Son High School – Ha Tinh, source at website

Teachers access the link below, download and unzip the file.

In the unzipped file there will be a doc file with instructions for use and an Excel file for teachers to enter scores for each subject. This Excel table calculating average scores will apply to high school students.

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Teachers enter the student's full name. For female students, press X. For male students, leave blank. Continue entering the subject score in the form from 0 to 100, for example, the average subject score is 7.5, then enter 75. The average score for the whole semester is automatically displayed.

Excel file calculates average subject score

3. How to calculate average scores for middle and high school subjects

Formula to calculate average score for semester 1 and semester 2

The way to calculate the average semester score is to take: the total regular assessment score, plus the mid-term assessment score multiplied by a factor of 2, plus the final assessment score multiplied by a factor of 3; Then divide those totals by: number of regular assessment points plus 5. The specific formula is as follows:

Calculate the average grade for the semester

In there:

  • GGTX: Total score of regular testing and evaluation
  • Judge: Test scores, mid-term evaluation
  • GCKCK: Test scores, final evaluation
  • ĐGTX: Regular inspection and evaluation points

How to calculate average score for the whole year

The average score for the whole year is the average of the average score for semester 1 with the average score for semester 2 (average score for semester 2 is calculated by coefficient 2).

Average subject score for the whole year

In addition, parents and students can access the VnEdu website to monitor test scores posted by teachers. How do you track VnEdu test scores in the VnEdu article to look up scores?



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