Checking the iPhone battery will help you know the battery condition of the device, how much the battery has been bottled, should replace it to improve the performance of the device. So how to check the iPhone battery bottle? Please refer to this tutorial.
Not only the iPhone but most smartphones after a period of use, you will feel your device's battery is increasingly poor, the battery life is no longer long.
In the following article, the network administration will guide you how to check the “health” status of your iPhone device to see how much the battery bottle is.
6 ways to check iPhone battery without jailbreak
1. Check the iPhone battery right on the device
You can quickly view iPhone's battery information in the installation application by doing the following:
1. Start running the application Setting On your iPhone.
2. Roll down and click on Battery.
3. Here, you will find an option with the name Battery & charging status. Click it to continue.
4. In this menu, you will see the maximum capacity of the iPhone battery, calculated in the percentage compared to the original capacity. This is the battery condition of your iPhone.
IPhone battery condition
In addition to the maximum capacity, you will find a menu item called Peak performance capacity. The brief notice below indicates whether the performance management features have been applied to your iPhone to prevent sudden turning off the device.
1. Normal performance
Maximum capacity of 100% and peak performance capacity: “Your battery is being supported with regular peak performance”your battery is still normal, not a little bit bottled yet. If the maximum capacity is lower than 100%, the battery starts to be lightweight, and is too low, the notice will appear as in section 5 of this section.
2. Performance management features are applied
Signs of work Performance management has been applied You will see the following notice: “This iPhone has been powered off suddenly because the battery cannot provide the necessary peak power. Performance management has been applied to help prevent this situation again. Turn off…”
In this case you can click Turn off… To turn off performance management function. Note that when you turn off this feature, you will not be allowed to open it again. It will only automatically turn on when your computer has a sudden power turning off again.
3. No battery status
This situation occurs when in the line Maximum capacity Do not display percentage, attached below Peak performance capacity is the notice: “This iPhone cannot determine the battery condition. Apple authorized service providers can maintain the battery. Learn more about maintenance options … “.
This tells you that the battery is using incorrectly or the battery components of unknown origin. Like the battery you replace is a plot battery.
4. Performance management is turned off
This notice will appear when you turn off the feature Performance management: “This iPhone has been powered off suddenly because the battery cannot provide the necessary peak power. You have manually turned off performance protection features.”.
As I mentioned in part 2 above, features Performance management Will only be turned on when your computer turns off the power suddenly again, then the option Turn off performance management function will also appear.
5. Signs of the battery condition has gradually worse
If your battery has begun to degrade, a long notice will appear as follows: “Your battery condition has been seriously degraded. Apple authorized service providers can replace the battery to restore performance and maximum capacity. Learn more about maintenance options … “
With this situation, you can still use your phone normally, however, when the battery percentage drops low, the operations on the device will be much slower than when the battery is still good. This is to reduce the performance of CPU and some other hardware, helping the machine work longer.
6. What to do if the iPhone battery condition is poor?
When the iPhone battery condition drops below 80%, you will see the notice in the settings app that the device's battery has been significantly degraded. You will be asked to replace it to restore the advertising performance.
Apple's battery replacement service has a starting price of $ 69 for old iPhone models and increases to $ 99 for iPhone 15 Pro Max.
If you choose not to replace the battery, you can minimize the battery drain on the iPhone by deleting applications that consume a lot of resources in the background.
It is uncomfortable when you have to charge iPhone much more often than when it is new. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the signs to replace the battery on the iPhone as soon as possible.
2. The iPhone battery check application
To check the status of your iPhone battery, you can rely on the support of some third applications.
The Battery Life application is one of the perfect choices for you. Battery Life will display the remaining battery capacity on your iPhone.
If the battery is not good anymore, click the menu icon in the top corner left of the application screen, then click Raw data To find out more details about battery information.
On the RAW Data screen will display the current power of the battery. In the example below you can see the remaining battery level is 97% (17mAh).
Finally, the option to see how long your battery condition lasts for 3G, Wifi, LTE, Video, …
3. Check iPhone battery by software
Use 3UTools tools
The 3UTools tool is completely free with lots of useful features including the iPhone battery test. We will connect the iPhone to the 3UToolS software and then see information about the current battery status, including the number of charging times and battery life (Battery Life). To see the details, click on the details (details).
In this interface, users will see more clearly other information about battery status such as charging time, real power, design capacity, serial trying, production battery, production today, …
Use the IBACKUPBOT tool
To check your iPhone charging, all you need is to have an IBACKUPBOT application. IBACKUPBOT is available for both Windows and Mac computers. Although the application costs $ 35, users can try the free version within 7 days.
The next step is to plug your iOS device into your computer via USB Tether. Run the application and wait for a while to apply the application of your device's profile. Look to the left frame, at the item Deviceschoose your device as shown below.
In the table display your device information, click the link More Information.
In the top corner of the more information window you will see the information you need to search. To Check the number of iPhone charging You go to the item Cyclecount okay.
In addition, you can compare between applications that view a lot of battery consuming.
4. Use tools from Apple check iPhone battery
In addition to the above two methods, you can also apply the use of diagnostic tools from Apple to see the “health” status of the battery. The downside of this method will be a bit more time -consuming, namely up to 2 days of waiting from Apple's server to respond. But in return, you will get an accurate result of the device's battery condition.
To check, you access Settings> Privacy> Diagnostics & Use> Automatic send.
After about 2 more days of checking, please visit Settings> Privacy> Diagnostics & Use> Submit automatically> Go to Log-Aggregated-XXX. After accessing that file, scroll down to see the item And you will see the number appears. As shown in the picture is 1200, that is, the battery I can only charge 1200 mAh compared to 1430 mAh as the original battery capacity.
5. Some notes when checking the iPhone battery
There are some cases when encountering unknown battery condition, that is Maximum capacity Do not display percentage and below Peak performance capacity Displaying this iPhone notice cannot determine the battery status. The user or even the technician concludes that the battery is at fault and needs to replace the battery immediately.
However, this error may come from the source of the device, the sign to identify is that when you see the iPhone turns off the power suddenly while in use. And when turning on the power, the battery capacity will be very low (usually only a few percent), but when plugged in to charge, the battery percentage can be up to 90%. But the use time is very short and may occur sudden power off the power off.
If your phone shows the above signs, you should ask the technician to check the power before deciding to replace the battery. And sometimes the faulty source can lead to the battery error. At that time, you not only have to fix the power but also sometimes you have to change the battery.
When replacing the battery, you should carefully learn about the origin and origin of the battery, the warranty policy as well as display the battery status from iOS 11.3 poured up. With “jagged” batteries, they will not show the status for you to check.
6. Extend iPhone battery life properly
First, you need to understand the battery life is the amount of time the device operates before you need to recharge, and the durability of the battery is to determine the battery life is still good until it is necessary to replace. Of course, over time, the battery will weaken but fast or slow will depend on how your device uses.
The life expectancy of a battery depends not only on the battery life has been used but also related to the “aging” process of the battery of that battery. In addition, there are many other factors affecting your battery like the user uses device, charging cycle, how to care and preserve the battery.
To extend the battery life and optimize its performance, you only need to charge half of the battery capacity before storing and not used for a while. In addition, absolutely do not charge or leave the iPhone in high temperatures for a long time.
In addition, the tips to help preserve the battery well are the aircraft mode, turn off the positioning service, remove the case when charging, turn on the low power mode, update the latest iOS version … The way you can preserve and optimize your battery life.