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HomeTechnologyHow to check ram speed, type, RAM capacity

How to check ram speed, type, RAM capacity

Sometimes you want to know the speed and type of system memory (RAM) that has just been installed on the computer without wanting to open the case or install a third party software, so what to do? This article will guide you a number of different ways to check the type (DDR), capacity (GB) and speed (MHz) of RAM.

How to check the type, capacity and speed of RAM

1. Check the capacity, speed and type of RAM in Task Manager

Step 1. Open Task Manager in More Details.

Step 2. Click on the tab Performance and click Memory.

Step 3. Here, you will see the capacity (for example: 32.0 GB) and the type of RAM (for example: DDR3) in the top right corner.

Check the capacity and type of RAM in Task Manager

The number is on the right Speed Is your RAM speed. Here is 2133 MHz.

2. Check the type, capacity and RAM speed in Command Prompt

Step 1. Open Command Prompt.

Step 2. Enter the following command into Command Prompt and press Enter.

wmic MemoryChip get BankLabel, Capacity, MemoryType, Speed, Tag

Or command

wmic MemoryChip get /format:list

Step 3. You will see details about RAM here.

Check the type, capacity and RAM speed in Command Prompt

Memory information



The RAM position is installed.


Total capacity of physical memory according to byte



0 = don't know

1 = another type

2 = dram

3 = synchronous dram

4 = cache dram

5 = Edo

6 = Edram

7 = vram

8 = Sram

9 = RAM

10 = ROM

11 = Flash


13 = feprom

14 = eprom

15 = CDRAM

16 = 3DRAM

17 = sdram

18 = Sgram

19 = RDRAM

20 = DDR

21 = DDR2

22 = DDR2 fb = dimm

24 = DDR3

25 = fbd2


The speed of physical memory is calculated by MHz.


The unique socket of physical memory

3. Check the amount of RAM in Settings

Step 1. Open Settings and click System.

Step 2. Click About On the left and see the capacity Installed Ram to the right.

Check the RAM capacity in Settings

4. Check the RAM capacity in Control Panel

Step 1. Open Control Panel and click on the icon System.

Step 2. See the inner capacity Installed Memory (RAM) in the part System.

Check RAM capacity in Control Panel

5. Check the RAM capacity in System Information

Step 1. Press the key Windows + R to open Trembletype msinfo32 Go to the search box and click OK.

Step 2. Click System Summary On the left and see the inner capacity Installed Physical Memory (RAM) to the right.

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Check the RAM capacity in System Information

6. How to check the type of RAM in PowerShell

Because all Windows Command Prompt commands work in PowerShell, you can find out details of RAM using any WMIC Memorychip command of Command Prompt. They will return the same results.

In addition, PowerShell also supports CMDLET, ALIAS and its own Windows environment. For example, you can use environmental variables “Get-Wmibject” To receive full information about RAM.

Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory | Format-List *
Find full RAM details in PowerShell by environmental variables "Get Wmibject".
Find full RAM details in PowerShell by environmental variable “Get Wmibject”.

In addition to the details of RAM capacity, manufacturer, parts and number of Seel, this PowerShell also provides more information about your RAM, such as:

  • Configuredclockspeed: RAM speed in megahert
  • Configuredvoltage: RAM voltage is calculated by small voltage
  • Smbiosmemorype: Type DDR

7. How to check the type of RAM with Novabench

When upgrading the computer, the goal is usually its RAM compared to the best RAM on the market. This is when a tool like Novabench can help. It's easy to download and install, and give you instant results about your RAM. You will find memory size and memory type (DDR4, DDR5, etc.) on the main screen.

Moreover, go to Start all benchmark tests -> Memory Test And it will immediately calculate how your RAM works well compared to the best type.

The type of RAM was discovered as DDR4 in Novabench with a deeper test in the Memory Test section
The type of RAM was discovered as DDR4 in Novabench with a deeper test in the Memory Test section

8. How to check RAM speed by application

Check RAM speed with userbenchmark

You can also check the RAM of your Windows 10 device with a free download Diagnostic Tool at the userbenchmark website.
The userbenchmark website helps check the RAM speed
The userbenchmark website helps check the RAM speed

After downloading, all you need to do is open the file and it will automatically check the RAM speed next to many other speed tests for things like CPU and SSD. The test only takes place in a minute or longer. The result is then displayed in a report in the web browser.

Tip: When building a game PC, fast RAM is a very important factor, but you will also need some other parts.

Although your RAM speed is in this report, it also gives the context with an explanation of the type of task that your Windows 10 device is suitable for the current configuration.

The tool also suggests the tasks suitable for the current configuration
The tool also suggests the tasks suitable for the current configuration

For example, the Surface Pro 6 can be perfect to use the usual application but can be too weak to run large game videos.

Important note: Before investing in a new RAM, check if your Windows 10 computer can upgrade and compatible with the latest RAM releases.

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The userbenchmark report can also tell you what other parts of the computer need to be upgraded.

Check the RAM speed with CPU-Z

CPU-Z is a utility that allows you to view some of your computer data, including information about your computer's CPU as well as RAM. CPU-Z is a good choice if you use the old version of Windows or if the information is displayed by Task Manager seems unreliable for any reason.

There are many different software for this purpose, however, you should choose CPU-Z because it is quite reliable, compact, compatible on many computers and Windows version.

First, download the latest version of CPU-Z software. The latest version of the CPU-Z has added additional DDR5 and Intel Alder Lake CPU memory.

Next, install and open CPU-Z software. Then click the tab Memory.

Here, you can see that Uncore Frequency and Dram Frequency All listed as 1799.6MHz. You might wonder that RAM does not run at 3600MHz according to the results of the previous method? This is not an error: CPU-Z only lists the single data rate of RAM, while the actual RAM usually has twice the data speed.

RAM speed is reported
RAM speed is reported

To get the actual RAM speed, you only need to double the frequency of “single data speed”, meaning 1799.6 x 2 = 3599.2MHz, the result you receive will be much closer to 3600MHz The fox you have seen in the previous method.

Why is it so important to know the RAM speed?

There are several reasons why you want to check your RAM speed. One of them is, after a custom PC Build, you may want to check if your RAM is set properly.

A common mistake that many PC builders suffer is not to set the right XMP configuration in the BIOS after completing the PC setup process. This will lead to computer RAM running at the default clock speed of 2133MHz instead of the advertising speed. This may cause serious performance.

Another reason may be to check whether everything works normally after upgrading RAM. If you are using a laptop, the installation of accessories runs at 2666MHz, while the computer memory is running at 2400MHz will lead to your RAM forced down to a slower level than both of these levels.

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Even when you completely replace RAM, you may not make it run at the speed of advertising manufacturer, as the laptop may not be able to run RAM at a higher speed of more than 2400MHz. You will need to check this before, during and after upgrading and fixing the problem accordingly.

People often ignore RAM speed factors, especially when actually proves that there are many RAMs still better than owning RAM at fast speed. However, if you need to check whether everything is running as usual or not, now you have the tools needed to get the job done.

Why is RAM speed important?

RAM speed determines memory speed can transmit data to and from CPU
RAM speed determines memory speed can transmit data to and from CPU

RAM speed, or data speed, determining memory speed can transmit data to and from CPU. On DDR4, or Double Data Rate 4, we often see RAM running at speed from 2133MHz to 3600MHz.

When you buy a new computer or just buy memory, you will often see the memory speed listed in the specification table. For example, for RAM running at 3200MHz, you will see the ram speed listed as “DDR4-3200”.

You can also see that it is listed in the form of “PC4” specifications, meaning that the data rate of multiplication is eight. For example, PC4-25600 memory is assessed to reach 3200MHz, while PC4-28800 memory is assessed to reach 3600MHz.

The easiest way to understand is “the faster the data speed, the faster the RAM.” This is not entirely accurate because there are some factors that can affect RAM performance. For example, CAS latency may also increase as the data rate increases and that can actually have a negative effect on performance.

In most applications, having more RAM is much better than owning RAM faster. However, if you are playing games, RAM faster can help you achieve a slightly better performance and increase a few frames per second. However, whether it is a worthy upgrade or not is another story. Ram faster can be very expensive, especially when you try to keep low CAS delay while continuing to speed up.

If you are looking for an upgrade, you will benefit greater from having more RAM instead of RAM faster.

I wish you success!



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