When you have just finished downloading a series of photos or videos to the file application on your iPhone or iPad, you can wonder if you can copy those images and videos into the photo library (Photos) for convenient access to fast access when Need or not. The answer is yes, and the implementation is not complicated.
First, open the file application on the device and navigate to the folder containing the vehicle files (images, videos) that you want to switch to the Photos library. In the example in the article, we will manipulate the vehicle files in the Downloads folder, but of course you can also manipulate any other folder in the file, such as Dropbox or iCloud Drive. .
Once you have located the means you want to copy, you will have some different options to manipulate with the file.
If it's a picture or video, click it to open the detailed view.
If you want to choose multiple files on the iPhone, click the dot button (three dots in the circle) in the upper right corner of the screen and select “Select”. (On the iPad, just click “Select”). Then, accumulate the items you want to copy to the Photos library.
After selecting the file, click the “Share” button, this button looks like a rectangle with an arrow facing up. On the iPad, it is located in the upper right corner of the screen. On the iPhone, this button is located in the bottom left corner.
In the sharing menu, click “Save Image” or “Save Video”. If you have chosen many photos or videos, click “Save x Items”, where x is the number of items you have chosen.
That's all you need to do. The next time when opening the Photos application, you will see the images or videos that you have copied from the file app appearing in your “Recents” album.
You can also use this method to copy the vehicle files from the file application to iCloud Drive or Dropbox.