For companies, businesses or organizations, when on holidays or Tet during the year, they will create banners announcing holidays to employees. In this article, we will have holiday announcement banner templates for April 30 and May 1 to fill in the holidays according to State regulations, or according to the policies of each company or business.
Each banner template announcing the April 30 and May 1 holidays in this article is available and you only need to fill in the holiday time. Below are details about holiday announcement banner templates and how to create holiday banners for April 30 and May 1.
Banner templates for holiday announcements on April 30 and May 1
Sample notice of leave April 30 and May 1 No. 1
Holiday banner template April 30 and May 1 number 2
Holiday banner template for April 30 and May 1 number 3
Banner template for holiday announcement April 30 and May 1 number 4
Banner template for holiday announcement April 30 and May 1 number 5
Instructions for creating banners announcing holiday schedules on April 30 and May 1
After choosing the holiday announcement banner template above, you will fill in the holiday period from day to day. Fonts and text colors in banner templates are all available by default. During the implementation process, you can make adjustments level % to enlarge or reduce the banner for ease of use.
Next Click Save photo right above the banner and save this announcement image to your device or press the Share button next to get the image link. The downloaded banner template is large in size, ensuring quality for the banner image when you post it on the company website or even enlarge it to print it into a newsletter.