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How to create a signature in Outlook to make your emails look more professional

Need to add a signature in Outlook? You don't know how to create an Outlook signature? In fact, we can easily add optional email signatures with link images as well as company logos in Outlook for Windows. You can choose the font, color and style as you like with the detailed instructions below.

Create and add email signatures in Outlook 2007

Using Outlook's Signature feature will add a personal signature to all your emails so you don't have to re-enter the same information in all your emails. The following steps will help you do this.

Create a signature

1. From the menu Toolsselect Options… Dialog box Options will appear.

2. Select tab Mail Format.

3. In section Signaturesclick SIGNATURES… Dialog box Signatures and Stationery will appear.

steam into SIGNATURES...
steam into SIGNATURES…

4. To create a new signature, click NEW. Dialog box New Signature will appear.

Create a new signature
Create a new signature

5. In the text box Type a name for this signatureenter a short descriptive name for the signature.

6. Click OK.

7. In section Edit signature, Please enter your signature.

8. (Optional) To format text in Signaturefrom the pull-down menu, make any desired changes

NOTE: You can add photos and links to your signature by clicking a button ADD PICTURE or ADD HYPERLINK located at the far right of the section Edit signatures.

9. Click Save to save. Your signature will be saved.

NOTE: If there is only one signature, nso becomes the default signature for new emails.

10. Click OK. You are returned to the dialog box Options.

11. Click OK. Dialog box Options will close.

Assign a default signature

If you used the Signature feature to create multiple signatures, use the following instructions to set a default signature. A default signature is added to all your new outgoing messages. The signature is placed in the drop-down list Replies/forwards will be added to your outgoing and forwarded mail instead of the default signature. You can also apply any signature you created to just one message.

1. From the menu Toolsselect Options… Dialog box Options will appear.

2. Select tab Mail Format.

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3. In section Signaturesclick Signatures… Dialog box Signatures and Stationery will appear.

4. In section Choose default signaturefrom the drop-down list New messagesselect the signature you want to place on your newly sent emails

5. From the drop-down list Replies/forwardsselect the signature you want to place on your outgoing and forwarded replies

NOTE: If you do not select a signature from the drop-down list Replies/forwardsit will not automatically add any signature to your outgoing or forwarded replies.

6. Click OK. Dialog box Signatures and Stationery will close.

7. Click OK. Dialog box Options will close.

Add a signature to a specific email

Although the default signature can be used, it is also quite simple to add a specific signature to a specific email without changing the default signature. You may want to do this if a signature is only required in rare cases.

1. Create email.

2. If you need to delete an existing signature:

  • Select text Signature.
  • Press [Delete]

3. Place the insertion point where you want the new signature to appear

4. On tab Insertselect Signaturethen select the desired signature


On tabs Messagein the group Includeclick Signature and select the desired signature
The signature will be inserted.

5. When you're ready to send the email, click SEND. Your email will be sent.

Create and add email signatures in Outlook 2010 – 2019

The way to create a signature in Outlook below can be applied to Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 versions.

To add a signature to emails in Outlook, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click Home on the toolbar.

Step 2: Click New Email in the top left corner of the screen.

Create a signature in a new message

Step 3: A new mailbox appears, click Message and choose Signature in section Include.

Select Signature to add a signature to the email

Step 4: LIVE Email signatureclick New.

Email Signature

Step 5: In section Type a name for this signatureenter the name of the signature.

Enter the signature name in Outlook

Step 6: Press OK

Step 7: On the next screen, highlight the signature name in the entry Select Signature to Edit.

Step 8: In the large blank box below Edit Signaute, enter your name, title, company name, email address, social media information, or other personal information you want to appear in the new signature.

  • Below Edit signature, there are different font options and format customization. You can create rich patterns and borders to create uniqueness.
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Choose fonts in Outlook

Step 9: To add a custom image such as a company logo, locate where you want to insert the image and click on the icon Insert picture.

Step 10: Select the image in your computer's file browser and select Insert.

Select insert image for Outlook

Step 11: To insert website link into image or logo, or any text in your signature. First, highlight the image or text you want to insert.

Step 12: With the image selected, click the icon Insert Hyperlink.

Step 13: A new window appears, enter the full URL of the website in the last box. Then press OK.

Enter the link URL for Outlook

Step 14: Set customizations for New messages and Replies/Forward.

  • If you want to apply the signature to all new messages, select the signature name from the drop-down menu New messages.
  • If you want to use it for reply or forward messages, in the drop-down menu select your signature name Replies/Forward.
  • Furthermore, if you do not want to apply the signature to new messages, replies or forwards, then select (none) for the appropriate menu.

Select Outlook inbox

Step 15: After setup is complete, press the button Save below.

Step 16: Finally, choose OK in the box Signatures and Stationary to save the changes.

When you open a new mailbox, reply, or other forward, the signature automatically appears at the bottom of the page.

Outlook 2016 Signature

How to add a signature in the Outlook 365 web app

1. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of Outlook 365.

2. Enter “signature” Click the search box at the top of the Settings panel.

3. Select results “Email signature”.

4. Create a new signature using the in-app signature editor.

Add a signature in the Outlook 365 web app
Add a signature in the Outlook 365 web app

5. Click “Save” when you're done.

How to add a signature on the Outlook mobile app

1. Start your Outlook mobile app on Android or iOS.

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2. Tap your account image in the top left corner.

3. Tap the gear icon at the bottom left to open Outlook settings.

4. Click Signature to open signature settings.

Add signature on Outlook mobile app
Add signature on Outlook mobile app

5. Enter your information in an organized manner.

6. Tap the check mark at the top right to complete setup.

So you have finished creating a signature in Outlook. You can add many different signatures to use for different partners with the same operations as above.

How to edit signature in Outlook

Whether you're using the desktop version of Outlook or, it's easy to update your signature. Here's how to change the signature in Outlook:

Change email signature in Outlook for Windows

If you're using Outlook for Windows:

  1. Open Outlook and click the tab File.
  2. Click Options then select Mail.
  3. Scroll down to the section Signatures and click the button Edit.
  4. Make your changes in the Signature Editor and then click OK.
  5. Your changes will be saved automatically.

Update signatures in Outlook for Mac

If you're using Outlook for Mac:

1. Open Outlook and go to the menu Preferences.

2. Click the tab Signatures and then select the signature you want to edit below signature name.

3. Click Edit and make your changes

Click Edit
Click Edit

4. Click the icon Save to save your changes and then close the window.

Save changes
Save changes

Change your signature in Outlook 365

1. Sign in to your Outlook account and click the gear icon in the upper right corner.

Go to Outlook settings
Go to Outlook settings

2. Select View all Outlook settings from the drop-down menu.

Select View all Outlook settings
Select View all Outlook settings

3. Click E-mail in the left bar, then click Compose and Reply.

Click Compose and Reply
Click Compose and Reply

4. Below Signatureenter changes to your signature in the text box provided.

5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save to save your changes.

Updating your signature in Outlook is a quick and easy process that takes only a few minutes to complete. Whether you're using the desktop version,, or Outlook on the web, you can easily update your signature to reflect any changes.



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