PowerPoint also has a basic photo editing option to support users in the slide process, such as deleting images in PowerPoint. When deleting the background, it is easier to insert images into the slide easier without revealing the wallpaper. Below is a guide to delete images in PowerPoint.
Instructions to delete background images in PowerPoint
Step 1:
At the interface in the powerpoint slide, users Click Insert Already Select Pictures To select the image you want to insert.
Step 2:
Double click on the image inserted in the slide, then you Click on the Format tab Already Select Remove Background To adjust the background.
Step 3:
Then you will see the image with a purple background with the selected background to delete as below.
Step 4:
In case the image is wrong, or you want to delete the craft background, you will see it Mark Areas to Keep option to select the area you want to keep and Mark Areas to Remove to delete handmade images On PowerPoint.
You will need to zone into the area you want to keep or want to delete in the image so that the tool can identify.
After you choose the deleted background, the image has been separated as shown below. You continue to perform image editing on PowerPoint as you like.