Inserting text in an image or inserting a logo in an image is a way to stamp image copyright. So what if you want to delete text in a photo, or delete a logo in a photo?
To delete the logo in a photo, you can use online tools, or immediately use Photoshop photo editing software. Removing text can also be done right in Photoshop. Photoshop provides tools for you to erase text in images, for images with simple or complex backgrounds. The article below will guide you how to delete text in photos using Photoshop.
Quick guide
- Delete text on images with little detail: Right-click on the dashed square icon and select Rectangular Marquee Tool or press the keyboard shortcut M to open the zoning tool. Left click and then circle the text area on the image. Next click on the item Edit above the toolbar and then select the next section Fillor you can press the shortcut key Shift + F5to open the tool ContentAware. Click on the section Content-Aware in section Contents. In section Blendingestablish Mode live Normal and Opacity at level 100%. Then click OK to delete text in the image.
- Erase text with detailed image background: At the toolbar click on the icon Magic Wand Tool or use keyboard shortcuts W to circle the text in the image. Press Shift Then click the tool on each letter in the image. Click Edit > Fill > Content-Aware to delete text, then press OK. Keep clicking on the tool Rectangular Marquee Tool square to localize blurred text in the image. Click Edit > Fill > Content-Aware to remove blurred areas.
Detailed instructions
1. Delete text on images with little detail using Photoshop
For example, take the image below for example, the image has a simple background, not many details and the text is also written on a simple image background.
Step 1:
At the Photoshop interface, right-click on the dashed square icon and select Rectangular Marquee Tool or press the shortcut key M to open the zoning tool.
Step 2:
Next, left click and select text area then circle it on photo.
Step 3:
Click next Edit section above the toolbar and then select next Fill sectionor you can press the keyboard shortcut Shift + F5, to open the Content Aware tool.
Step 4:
In the new interface, click on the section Content-Aware in the Contents section.
For Blending, we set the Mode to Normal and Opacity to 100%. Then click OK to proceed with deleting the text in the image.
As a result, you will get an image of deleted text as below. Images will not be blurred when text is deleted.
2. Delete detailed image background text in Photoshop
With images with many details, deleting text will be relatively manual and require more operations. We will not use the simple tool above. If deleted as above, the image will be blurred, losing aesthetics and professionalism.
For example, we will delete the image inserted with text as below.
Step 1:
Click on the toolbar Magic Wand Tool icon Or use the keyboard shortcut W to circle the text in the image.
Step 2:
User needs Click Shift then click the tool every word in the picture. You need to hold down the Shift key until you have selected each letter. Note that when choosing letters, you need to choose enough strokes for the letters.
Step 3:
Then also click to select Editselect continue Fill section and also choose Content-Aware to delete text.
Step 4:
When you click OK, the text area will basically be erased and leave red blurred lines as shown below.
Continue clicking Rectangular Marquee Tool square to localize blurred letters in the image for deletion. After selecting the area, click on it Edit select Fill then select Content-Aware tool to remove blurred areas.
If deleting a large area makes the image blurry, you should choose a smaller area and erase gradually so the image will not be blurry.
The image result after deleting the text will be as below.
Some tips for removing text from images
There are some tips wants to share with you so you can avoid some common mistakes during the implementation process:
- To select text super fast, use the function “Select Subject”available on the latest version of Photoshop;
- You may need to expand your text selection to ensure there are no blemishes around the edge of the text – go to the top menu Select > Modify > Expand to expand the selection by the desired number of pixels.
To delete images on text with Photoshop, we will basically use the Content-Aware tool. However, if the image has a simple background and does not have many details, you can still use this tool. But if the image has a lot of detail, the user will be forced to localize each stroke before deleting it.
Wishing you success!
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