If you cannot find the Bluetooth icon on the taskbar, follow the steps below to show the missing Bluetooth icon on the Taskbar in Windows 10.
Display the Bluetooth icon on the Taskbar
To display the Bluetooth icon on the taskbar, you need to enable the option “Show Bluetooth icon in the notification area” in Bluetooth settings. Here are the steps to do so.
1. Open the Settings app. You can do that by pressing the keyboard shortcut Win + I.
2. After opening Windows 10 Settings, visit the page Devices.
3. Select tabs Bluetooth & other devices on the left panel.
4. On the right page, click the link More Bluetooth options. You will find it under the heading Related Settings.

5. Select tabs Options in the Bluetooth settings window.
6. Select the checkbox Show Bluetooth icon in the notification area.
7. Click Apply.
8. Press OK to save changes.

9. Close the application Settings.
When you select the checkbox and save the changes, the Bluetooth icon appears on the taskbar. As said before, the Bluetooth icon will only appear when Bluetooth is turned on. If you don't see the icon, make sure Bluetooth is turned on in Windows 10.
Turn on Bluetooth support service
If the Bluetooth support service is disabled, the Bluetooth function cannot be enabled. As a result, you will not see the Bluetooth icon. If so, you should enable Bluetooth support service from Windows Services Manager. Here's how.
1. Press the shortcut Win + R to open the box Run.
2. Enter services.msc and press Enter in the window Run.
3. After opening the window Servicesfind and right-click service Bluetooth Support Service.
4. Select Properties from the right-click menu.

5. Select Manual from the drop-down menu Startup type.
6. Click Apply > OK.

7. Close the window Services.
8. Restart Windows 10.
After rebooting, turn on Bluetooth from Notification center. As soon as Bluetooth is turned on, you will see the Bluetooth icon on the taskbar.
Reinstall the Bluetooth driver
If the above two methods do not work, it may be due to the installed Bluetooth driver. In those cases, you must reinstall the Bluetooth driver. After reinstalling, turn on Bluetooth on Windows 10 and you will see the Bluetooth icon appear on the taskbar.