Telegram is one of the popular messaging platforms today. However, a common error that Telegram users may sometimes encounter is for example not displaying the Telegram group. This error can occur for many reasons, such as incorrectly setting sensitive content, or incorrect settings. Below are instructions to fix the error of not displaying Telegram groups.
Check the Telegram server
You should first check and confirm whether the Telegram server is working properly or not. If the server is down or there are any problems, that could explain why you are seeing the Telegram group not showing error.
Adjust Telegram's sensitive content blocking mode
It is possible that the content in the Telegram group is considered sensitive and inappropriate content, so the Telegram chat group is not displayed. Friend Access Settings then select Chat Settings Later Turn on Show 18+ Content.
Sometimes you may not be able to view a group because it is only accessible in certain countries. In such a case, you need to install a VPN to access that pool
Contact Telegram group Admin
Maybe the group Admin has removed you from the group so we can no longer access the group.
Additionally, the group may no longer be accessible as Telegram moderators can sometimes terminate groups that violate the platform's terms and conditions.
Access the Telegram group on another device
Try running Telegram on another device and see if you can access that group. You can also try accessing Teams on your iOS device if you can't do it on Android, and vice versa.
Log in to another Telegram account
Another possible solution to the 'Cannot display this group' error is to log in to Telegram with a different account.
If you can access Teams with a second account, your previous account may have restricted access.