The Telegram not only allows friends and relatives but also allows strangers to know the last status of the last view on your telegram. Many of us are interested in privacy of Telegram and do not want to be monitored, we should adjust the status of the last view of the Telegram according to the article below. Then the last status of your telegram will not be exposed to anyone.
How to hide the status of the last view of the telegram with someone
Step 1:
At the interface on the Telegram application, users Click on Settings At the bottom of the interface. Switch to the new interface, the user clicks Privacy and security.

Step 2:
In the new interface, the user clicks on Last Seen & Online To adjust the status display mode for the last time on the telegram. Next, we click on Add Users To add the person you want to hide.

Step 3:
Friend Choose a group or who wants to hide Last notice on Telegram Press Done To save.

Also you can also Activate hidden time to read Hide Read Time To do it.

Step 4:
With the list of last notifications on the telegram, you Click on Edit To adjust. If you want to delete anyone from the hidden list Press the red circle to removeAlready Select continue Delete To delete.
Or you Press Delete All Exceptions To do it, then choose Delete All To delete.
How to hide the status of the last time the telegram is completely
If you want to hide the last notice on the telegram completely with everyone Click Nobody to turn off.
Below is the option to hide the time you read the message on the telegram.