Thứ Hai, Tháng Hai 10, 2025
HomeHow to insert a picture into a shape in Photoshop

How to insert a picture into a shape in Photoshop

This tutorial will show you how to insert a picture into a shape using Adobe Photoshop. As you'll see, it's easy to put a photo into any type of shape, from basic rectangles or circles to fancy custom shapes. This tutorial will use a custom shape and the article will show you how to load all the missing shapes in Photoshop for more options.

Step 1: Create a new document

Start by creating a new Photoshop document. If you're on the home screen, click the button New file.

Click the New file button on the main Photoshop screen
Click the New file button on the main Photoshop screen

Or you can go to the menu File in the menu bar and select New.

Go to File > New.” width=”307″ height=”129″ class=”lazy” data-src=””/><figcaption>Go to File > New.</figcaption></figure>
<p>Either way the dialog <strong>New Document</strong> will also open, where you can enter the necessary settings in the right column. The example will create a square document by placing both <strong>Width</strong> and <strong>Height</strong> to 2000 pixels.</p>
<p>Since we'll be placing an image in the shape and images are typically saved at a higher resolution, change the Resolution value to 300 pixels per inch and let <strong>Background Contents</strong> is set to <strong>White</strong>.</p>
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Set up a new Photoshop document

Then, click the button Create.

Click the Create button to create a new Photoshop document
Click the Create button to create a new Photoshop document

And Photoshop creates a new document.

New Photoshop document
New Photoshop document

Step 2: Open the Shapes panel

The fastest way to draw custom shapes in Photoshop is to add them from the Shapes panel. To open this panel, go to the menu Window and choose Shapes.

Open the Shapes panel from the Window menu
Open the Shapes panel from the Window menu

The Shapes panel opens in a secondary panel column to the left of the main panels. You can show or hide a board by clicking its icon.

Photoshop's Shapes panel opens in a secondary panel column
Photoshop's Shapes panel opens in a secondary panel column

At first, all we see are the default shapes divided into groups.

Photoshop's default custom shape groups
Photoshop's default custom shape groups

You can rotate any group to reveal the shapes within that group by clicking the arrow next to its folder icon.

View shapes within a group
View shapes within a group

And you can drag the bottom of the Shapes panel down to expand it and see multiple shapes at once.

Expand the shape panel
Expand the shape panel

Step 3: Load missing shapes

To load all the missing shapes available in Photoshop, click the panel menu icon Shapes.

Click the menu icon.
Click the menu icon.

Then choose Legacy Shapes and More.

Load the Legacy Shapes and More group.
Load the Legacy Shapes and More group.

A new Legacy Shapes and More group appears below the defaults.

New Legacy Shapes and More group.
New Legacy Shapes and More group.

And inside there were two more groups. 2019 Shapes contains hundreds of new shapes added to Photoshop 2020. And All Legacy Default Shapes contains classic shapes from older versions of Photoshop.

2019 Shapes and All Legacy Default Shapes group
2019 Shapes and All Legacy Default Shapes group

Step 4: Choose a shape

This tutorial will use one of the classic shapes. The example will open the All Legacy Default Shapes group.

Open the All Legacy Default Shapes group
Open the All Legacy Default Shapes group

Then scroll down Nature and click to open.

Open the Nature group
Open the Nature group

And inside Nature, use a butterfly image.

Choose a butterfly image
Choose a butterfly image

Step 5: Drag and drop the image onto the canvas

To add a shape, simply click and drag the shape thumbnail from the Shapes panel and drop it onto the canvas.

Drag a shape from the Shapes panel onto the canvas.
Drag a shape from the Shapes panel onto the canvas.

Photoshop draws the shape when you release the mouse button.

Photoshop draws pictures.
Photoshop draws pictures.

Step 6: Resize and center the image

Before resizing the image, go up Options Bar and make sure the link icon is selected between fields Width and Height Leave the image's aspect ratio locked.

Make sure the width and height are aligned.
Make sure the width and height are aligned.

Then, resize the shape by clicking and dragging any of the transform handles. If you hold down the key Alt (Win) / Options (Mac) on the keyboard when dragging, you resize the shape from its center.

Drag the handle to resize the shape.
Drag the handle to resize the shape.

Click and drag the shape to the center of the canvas. As you get closer to the center, it will click into place.

Drag the shape to the center.
Drag the shape to the center.

Then, click the check mark in the Options Bar to accept.

Click the check mark to accept the size and position of the shape.
Click the check mark to accept the size and position of the shape.

In the table Layersthe shape appears on its own layer. We know it's a shape layer through the icon in the lower right corner of the thumbnail.

Photoshop's Layers panel displays the new shape layer.
Photoshop's Layers panel displays the new shape layer.

Step 7: Check the Fill and Stroke options in the Properties panel

With the shape layer selected, the Properties panel gives access to all of the shape's options, including Fill and Stroke.

Shape options in Photoshop's Properties panel.
Shape options in Photoshop's Properties panel.

By default, Photoshop uses black for the Fill color, which is okay because we won't see that color anyway after inserting the image into the shape.

But Photoshop also adds a 1-pixel black stroke around the shape.

Default Fill and Stroke for shapes.
Default Fill and Stroke for shapes.

You can add Stroke later if desired. But for now, turn off Stroke by clicking the Stroke swatch:

Click the Stroke swatch
Click the Stroke swatch

And click on the icon No Color in the upper left corner of the table. Then, click outside the panel to close it or tap Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) on the keyboard.

Set Stroke to No Color.
Set Stroke to No Color.

Step 8: Place the image into the document

Next, we'll place our image into the document. And since we want the image to appear in the same document as our shape, let's use Photoshop's Place Embedded command.

Go to menu File and choose Place Embedded.

Choose the Place Embedded command from the File menu.
Choose the Place Embedded command from the File menu.

Navigate to where the image is saved on your computer. In the example case, the image is in a folder on the desktop. Click the image to select it, then click Place.

Select the image and click Place.
Select the image and click Place.

Photoshop will add the image in front of the shape. If the image is larger than the document size, Photoshop will resize it to fit. Images being used are from Adobe Stock.

The image is placed in front of the shape.
The image is placed in front of the shape.

We will resize the image after placing it on the shape. Now, click the check mark in the Options Bar to accept.

Click the check mark in the Options Bar.
Click the check mark in the Options Bar.

Back in the Layers panel, the image appears on a new layer above the shape layer. And note that Photoshop has converted the image into a smart object, we can tell this by the smart object icon in the lower right corner of the thumbnail. This means that no matter how many times we resize the image, the quality of the image does not decrease.

Photoshop places the image as a smart object.
Photoshop places the image as a smart object.

Step 9: Create clipping mask

Currently, the image is in front of the shape. To place the image into the shape, click the Layers panel menu icon.

Click the Layers panel menu icon.
Click the Layers panel menu icon.

Then choose Create Clipping Mask.

Choose the Create Clipping Mask command.
Choose the Create Clipping Mask command.

Clipping mask will clip the image to the underlying shape, meaning the only part of the image that remains visible is the area directly above or in front of the shape. Any part of the image that is outside the shape is hidden from view, creating the illusion that the image is actually inside the shape.

Result after inserting the image into the shape.
The result after inserting the image into the shape.

Back in the Layers panel, notice that the image layer is now indented to the right, with a small arrow pointing down to the shape layer below. This is how Photoshop tells us that we have created a clipping mask.

The Layers panel displays the clipping mask.
The Layers panel displays the clipping mask.

Step 10: Resize and reposition the image using Free Transform

To resize and reposition an image inside a shape, go to the menu Edit and choose Free Transform.

Result after cropping the image into shape.
Result after cropping the image into shape.

In the Options Bar, make sure the link icon is selected between the Width and Height fields.

Make sure the link icon is selected.
Make sure the link icon is selected.

Then, resize the image by dragging any of the transform handles. You can hold down the key Alt (Win) / Options (Mac) on the keyboard when dragging the handle to resize the image from its center.

Resize the image inside the shape.
Resize the image inside the shape.

Then, drag the image to position the object within the shape. You may need to go back and forth between resizing and repositioning the image until you get it right.

Position the image inside the shape.
Position the image inside the shape.

When you're done, click the check mark in the Options Bar.

Click the check mark in the Options Bar.
Click the check mark in the Options Bar.



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