HTML whitespace nice spaces in HTML How is it used? If you don't know the answer, please join to find out what you need to know create spacing in HTML okay!
The structure of nearly every website today is created primarily with HTML, a standardized system for classifying text files. Page breaks, paragraphs, bold characters, and other features are all added using HTML. By implementing tags that instruct the browser to process content, HTML helps create a good-looking web structure. has very detailed lessons on basic elements in HTML. You just need to follow each lesson and practice with the exercises to be able to use HTML fluently.
Although HTML is a fairly intuitive language, sometimes it acts in unexpected ways, especially for beginners, such as when you want to create a lot of HTML space…
In fact, you have quite a few ways to do this, but if you are new to HTML, you will find it a bit difficult. Therefore, this article will summarize for you the basic knowledge about HTML spaces and methods for creating spaces in HTML. Below are detailed instructions.
You can do this with plain HTML without CSS. However, you should use CSS to add space to HTML more easily.
What is the ASCII character for space?
The ASCII character code for spacing is 20. However, that is according to the standard. In fact, you have several other types of spacing that you can use in HTML. If seen with the naked eye, they are the same but in reality there is a slight difference in purpose.
In addition, you also have the Tab character representing the tab key on the keyboard. The Return character represents the Enter key.
How to insert spaces in HTML (non-breaking space)
To force omitted spaces to show, type
where you want to insert it.
Typing example
Xin chào.
will create an extra space between Ask for and Hello.
This is called a non-breaking or non-destructive space because it prevents a line break at that location. If you overuse this character, it will be difficult for the browser to insert line breaks beautifully and properly.
Can type
to create space.
Insert longer spaces in HTML
You can use one of the following options:
- Insert 2 spaces:
- Insert 4 spaces:
- Insert tab:
Indent paragraphs with CSS
The Padding or Margin property of CSS gives direct instructions to the browser so the results will be more consistent than using tags
In paragraph của văn bản, chèn đoạn mã dưới đây:
Trở về phần thân văn bản HTML, khi cần lùi đầu dòng cho đoạn văn chỉ cần dùng thẻ:
Để điều chỉnh mức độ lùi đầu dòng, hãy thay đổi con số 1.8 trong đoạn mã CSS trên. Giữ phần “em”
behind to measure the length corresponding to the font size.
Create line breaks in HTML
after the line of text will force the following text down, then type trước dòng văn bản sẽ đặt đoạn xuống dòng giữa nó và đoạn văn bản trước.
Ví dụ đoạn mã sau:
Quản trị mạng là trang thủ thuật công nghệ.
Quản trị mạng là trang thủ thuật công nghệ.
Then there will be a line break between the two sentences above.
Define paragraph if necessary
If there is a new block of text you want to use as a paragraph, type it trước và
sau đoạn văn bản đó để tách nó khỏi các đoạn văn bản không được định dạng khác.
Hầu hết trình duyệt sẽ tách đoạn văn bằng một dòng trống.
Dùng đoạn văn bản được định dạng trước để đọc khoảng trống
Với các đoạn văn bản đã được định dạng, khoảng trống bạn gõ sẽ hiển thị trên trang HTML. Để định dạng trước, dùng thẻ
The Enter sign will also display as a line break in pre-formatted text.
Summary of how to insert spaces in HTML:
- Type
- Type
- Type
- Type
- Type
- Type
to break the line twice
Frequently asked questions about spacing in HTML
What is the width of the character in the space?
For whitespace characters, you have 4 standard widths:
- Space of standard width: Standard spacing because it will not result in a line break.
- Em Space: Whatever font you are using, it has the same width as the letter M.
- En Space: It has the same width as the letter n in the typeface.
- Thin Space: The narrowest distance. This is the final option.
What does the space symbol in HTML mean?
is the most widely used HTML entity. To fill the space with text, use a space symbol.
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