Numbering pages in Word without the first page is a simple operation and is often used when we make documents, reference books, textbooks, lesson plans, etc. Usually, the first page without page numbering will be the first page. write the name of the document, or table of contents,… Then you can choose to number the Word page from any page you want and choose what Word page number is.
The article below will guide you to number any page in Word.
Instructions for numbering any page on Word 2019
Word 2019 page numbering ignores the cover page
Step 1:
First, open the Word document that needs page numbering. Next, the user clicks on the tab Insert then click on Page Number.
Step 2:
At this point the user will Select the location where you want to number the pages in Worddepending on the document's page numbering requirements.
Step 3:
At this point you will Select the Different First Page box. At that time The cover page will no longer be numberedor the first page is no longer numbered.
Then the document will automatically skip the first cover page and proceed to Word numbering from the 2nd page according to the correct order number of 2.
Number Word 2019 pages from any page
Step 1:
First of all you Move to the page you want to number. Then click The Layout tab is on the Ribbon.
Step 2:
Next, the user clicks Breaks section then look down below at Section Breaks then select Next Page to proceed with placing Sections for Word pages.
Step 3:
Next you Click Page Number Already Choose the position to place the page number. At this point, all pages will be numbered.
Step 4:
We keep pressing Uncheck Link to previous as shown below.
Then you Delete all page numbers from page 1 to any page you want to number.
Step 5:
To change the existing page number to the page number you want, click here Page Number select Format Page Number…
Step 6:
This time displays the interface for us to adjust the page number in Word. At the dialog box Format Page Numbers, Select the number you want to start with and fill in the Start at section. For example, if you want to mark page number 3 as number 1, enter 1 in the blank space.
The result of the 3rd page in Word has been numbered 1 as shown below. You can also change it to another page number if you want.
Page numbering and removing the first page in Word 2016
B1: Place the mouse in front of the first character of the page you want to start page numbering. If you skip the first page, place the mouse before the first letter of page number 2.
B2: Enter Layout > Break > Next page
B3: Enter Insert > Page Number > select the location to insert page numbers. If you need to format the page number, click Page Number Format.
B4: Click Link to Previous to disconnect the next section from the previous section. If you don't find this option, just double-click the document's header or footer to see it appear.
Step 5: Delete the page numbers of the pages you do not want to be numbered.
The last step, when you have finished editing the content and automatic page numbering, you only need Save text to save only. The steps to number pages on Word from any page are quite easy to do. The page order will automatically number from any page you have selected on the Word document.
Number pages from any page in Word 2007
Step 1: Open Word, drag to the page where you want to start page numbering.
Step 2: Place the mouse cursor before the first character of that page as shown below. If you number the pages and leave out the first page, place the mouse before the first letter of the second page.
Step 3: Select tabs Page Layout on the ribbon and then select Breaks > Next Page to separate the text into 2 different sections as shown.
Step 4: You choose Insert > Page numbers > Format page numbers.
Step 5: In Page Number Formatyou choose the page number style in section Number Format. And choose Start at is 1 or whatever value you want. Press OK to generate page numbers.
Step 6: In tab Insert select Footer or Header To add page numbers, reformat the page number style for the text. Here I choose Alphabet style Footer.
Step 7: Two different sections appear on the page where you want to number the first page.
Step 8: Now you need to break the link between the two sections to delete the page number in the previous section > click on it Link to Previous to turn off the link between section 1 and section 2.
Step 9: Scroll up to section 1 and click on the Page Number section of the pages you do not want to be numbered to delete them.
Immediately after that, the page number of Section 1 will be deleted. And start calculating the number of pages from Section 2.