There are currently many online learning and online exam preparation websites for parents to choose for their children such as or is known as an online learning website, providing classes in 6 main subjects for students from grades 10 to 12 including Math, Physics, Chemistry, English, Literature, Biology, along with exam preparation courses. National High School, TOEIC and IELTS test preparation from basic to advanced levels. Below are instructions for registering for a free course on
How to register for a account
Step 1:
First, we access the link below to visit the website.
At the main interface of the website, click Login section in the top right corner.
Step 2:
Now switch to the new interface, the user clicks Registration section Then choose to create a account via Facebook or Google.
For example, here to register with your Facebook account, we will need to agree to let Moon link to your Facebook account.
Step 3:
After registering an account, we switch to the interface Fill in your personal information. You choose whether you are a student, teacher or parent, or the grade level you are interested in, then click Update information below.
Afterward Choose 3 subjects that you are interested in to get the right study combos for your needs.
So you have registered an account on to be able to participate in online courses on or buy courses on the website.
Instructions for registering for free courses on
Step 1:
At the website interface, look to the left edge and click Free Courses section.
Step 2:
This time, courses will be displayed for each subject that are completely free for 2004, 2005 and 2006 students, or according to the grade level you filled in previously.
We Select the subject you want to register for and then will display teachers for you to choose from. Select the teacher you want to study with Click Payment below.
Step 3:
The website supports you to pin courses to access immediately from the menu on the left side of the interface, for quick access whenever you need to study on
Below are the subject topics and chapters that will be displayed for students to choose to follow. All lectures are free, so you can study online whenever you want.
Students click on the lesson they want to follow. The lessons are taught by video so it is easy to follow and understand the lecture content.
In addition to the free courses on, students can refer to many other topics from teachers they like on or according to subjects that interest them.