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HomeFinanceHow to repeat table title bars in Word

How to repeat table title bars in Word

When you print a Word document or create a table in Word, repeating the title in Word helps us keep track of the title more conveniently and read the document title seamlessly across different pages, especially with long titles. The title bar appears continuously on each page in Word with the format remaining the same without you having to re-enter it manually. Below are instructions for repeating titles in Word.

Instructions for repeating titles in Word 2016, 2019

Repeat Word titles using Repeat Header Rows

Step 1:

At the user Word document interface Click on the subject line want to repeat in the table then click next Layout tab at the top of the interface.

Edit table in Word

Step 2:

Display the options below, the user clicks Repeat Header Rows section In the Data section, you can repeat the table title in Word.

Repeat titles in Word using Repeat Header Rows

Repeat Word title via Table Properties

Step 1:

First of all you also Click on the title row want to repeat in a Word table. Afterward right click into the subject line and select Table Properties in the displayed list.

Customize tables in Word

Step 2:

Displays a custom look for Word tables. Friend Click the Row tab in the interface.

Adjust rows in Word

Continue you Select the Repeat as header row at the top of each page setting to repeat titles in Word for tables when on multiple pages.

Enable title repetition in Word

So when you create a table on multiple pages, the title line automatically repeats the first line of the table on each page.

Instructions for canceling repeating titles in Word

To cancel repeating titles in Word, it is very simple and can be applied no matter how you previously repeated the title.

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We just need Click on the repeated headline Then click Layout for the table and Uncheck Repeat Header Rows okay.

Remove repeating titles in Word

Instructions for repeating titles in Word 2007, 2010

Use the Repeat Header Rows feature

This is a feature available in Table Tools on Word 2007 and later versions.

Step 1:

First, open the document you want to repeat the title bar or create a new working table. Next, place your mouse pointer over any headline on the first Header bar later in the section Table Toolsselect next Layout tab.

Click to select Layout

Step 2:

In the Layout options list, the user clicks on the feature Repeat Header Rowsrepeat the title bar in the columns in the list table.

Repeat Header Rows feature

With version Word 2003we will click on Table tab then select Heading Rows Repeat as shown below.

Heading Rows Repeat

Immediately after that, the title lines in each column on the first page will appear in each column for the following pages.

Repeat column headers for each Word page

Customize in Table Properties

In case you cannot use the Repeat Header Rows feature, you can adjust it in the Table Properties section of each table.

Step 1:

First, you need Black out the entire subject line On the first page, right click and select Table Properties.

Click to select Table Properties

Step 2:

The Table Properties dialog box interface appears. Here, users should click Row tabthen in the content below click on options Repeat as heder row at the top of each pagerepeat the title bar above the table for each page.

Press OK to save the new settings.

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Repeat as heder row at the top of each page

As a result, we will immediately see that the entire headline has been repeated for the columns on the remaining pages.

Column headings repeat on each page

Video tutorial on repeating titles in Word

Above is a tutorial on how to repeat the title line on each table page in Word. With two different ways through the Repeat Header Rows feature or the Table Properties page option, the task of processing tables with content on multiple pages will become simpler, and also help viewers easily follow the content. in each column in the table.



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