When we create the Excel spreadsheet, the title is only displayed only on the first page. This is quite inconvenient when you just want to print any page but there is no title. Viewers of the data table will also not know what the content of the data table is, through the Excel title. If so, you should repeat the title in Excel so that the target appears on any Excel page. The following article will guide the title repeat in Excel with different versions.
Instructions to repeat the title Excel 2016, 2019
Step 1:
At the data table, fill in the title for normal. Then adjust the title, adjust the format if desired.
Continue, click on Page layout page In the above toolbar. Then look down at the page setup, Click on Print Titles.
Step 2:
Show new interface for us to adjust. At this interface in the Sheet tab, we will see two options:
- Rows to repeat at top: Repeat goods in Excel when printing.
- Columns to repeat at left: repeat the column in Excel when printed.
Step 3:
To Repeat the title in Excel by linein Rows to repeat at top, click on the icon to select the title line to be repeated On the top of each page when coming to the new page.
Once you have selected the title line repeated in Excel, you can press Print to make printing or press Print Preview to see before printing.
This is the first page of the Excel data table.
When moving to page 2 of Excel document, the title still displays as shown below.
Step 4:
When you Press Columns to repeat at left then will Repeat 1 column in Excel. We also click on the icon to select the column to repeat in the Excel data table.
Instructions to repeat the title in Excel 2016, 2019
Step 1:
To remove the title in Excel, you also click on the page layout. Next you also Click on Print Titles To adjust.
Step 2:
Display the adjustment interface, at the item repeat the title by the line or column you used, we just need Delete the repeated title line that I have entered Then click OK is done.
Video instructions repeat the Excel title by row and column
Instructions to repeat the title when printing on Excel 2007, 2010, 2013
Step 1:
First of all, you open the Excel file and enter the text content to be printed. Next, choose the tab Page layout On the ribbon toolbar, then choose Print Titles.
Step 2:
There is a dialog box interface Page setup. Here, if we want Repeat the title by line, select Rows to repeat at top. If you want Repeat the title by column, then choose Colums to repeat at leaf.
Here, we will choose the item Repeat the title by line. Click square icon At the end of the Rows to repeat at top.
Step 3:
Immediately after that, the content of Excel will appear small white frame Rows to repeat at top. Friend Black or click on the content to be repeated again. The content will automatically display in that frame. After entering the entry Press Enter Or click on the icon at the end of the white frame.
Shortly thereafter, we will be brought back to the page setup dialog box interface. In the Rows to repeat at the top will appear the title line you want to repeat.
Step 4:
To Review contentwe can press Print Preview. At the same time, press OK To save.
You see the title part at the top of page 1 will be repeated on the next page. For example, in the picture on the 2nd page, we will also see that the title of the title appears at the top of the page. Other pages are similar.
Now, you can print all Excel pages and the title will still appear at the beginning of those pages. With the long Excel content that needs to be printed, do not miss this simple and useful procedure to make the Excel spreadsheet content easier to understand.