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How to rotate any page horizontally in Word

Rotating any page horizontally in Word will not affect the remaining vertical pages in the document. For content that must be presented in landscape format, turning the paper horizontally helps you present the content more easily. Below are instructions for rotating any page horizontally in Word.

Rotate any page horizontally in Word 2016, 2019

Rotate a Word page through Page Setup

Step 1:

At the Word document interface, click at the top of the page you want to rotate and then click Layout tab above the Ribbon. The user clicks next Down arrow icon lies within Page Setup tab.

Layout in Word 2019

Step 2:

Display the Page Setup interface for you to adjust. Here you are select Landscape then look down In the Apply to section, select This point forward and click OK.

Then from the page you click down, it will rotate horizontally.

Rotate a page horizontally in Word 2019

Step 3:

Continue Click your cursor at the bottom of a page that you want to keep horizontally rotated then click Layout tab. Then also press the arrow to displays Page Setup.

In your interface select Portraitin In the Apply to section, select This point forward and click OK.

Adjust other pages vertically

The result will be only 1 page you want to rotate horizontally and the remaining pages rotate vertically.

Rotate a page horizontally in Word 2019

Rotate a page in Word using a page break

Step 1:

You to Mouse pointer at the top of the page wants to rotate horizontally then click Layout tabselect Break then click Continuous.

Page breaks in Word 2019

Step 2:

Also give mouse pointer to the next page then click on it Layout tab and choose Breakclick next Continuous.

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Create page breaks in Word 2019

Step 3:

Place the mouse cursor at the position of the page to rotate Already Select the Layout tabclick next Orientation. At this point the user will Select Landscape to rotate horizontally this page.

Choose horizontal rotation for Word 2019

Then horizontal rotation only applies to the interrupted section.

Page break rotates horizontally in Word 2019

Instructions for rotating a page horizontally in Word 2007

Rotate a Word page through Page Setup

Step 1:

Click at the top of the page you want to rotate, then click Page Layout tab above. The user clicks next Down arrow icon located in the Page Setup tab.

Page Setup Word 2007

Step 2:

In our Page Setup interface Click Landscape. At section Apply to select This point forward and click OK. Then from the page you click down, it will rotate horizontally.

Horizontal adjustment of Word 2007 page

Step 3:

Continue Place the mouse pointer at the bottom of the page you want to rotate horizontally then click Layout taband also press Arrow opens Page Setup.

In the interface you choose Portraitsin In the Apply to section, select This point forward and click OK.

Different orientation for Word 2007 page

In the end you will see there is only 1 horizontally rotated Word page.

Rotate 1 Word 2007 page

Rotate a Word page using page breaks

Step 1:

First of all, to be able to rotate any page horizontally in a Word document, we need to separate that page into a separate section, separate from other pages in the document. This will prevent all pages in Word from rotating horizontally.

I will take an example with a Word file with 3 pages and want to rotate the 2nd page horizontally.

You place the mouse cursor at the top of the text page you want to break the section, then select Page Layout > Break > Contiounus.

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In this example, on the second page, I want to break the section and rotate it horizontally, so I will place the mouse cursor at the top of the page and follow the instructions above.

Break the page that needs to be rotated

Step 2:

To check whether the page has a section break or not, click Insert > Header > Edit Header.

Click Edit Header

Two pages 1 and 2 of the text content have been created into 2 separate sections.

Split into 2 separate sections

Step 3:

Continue to break the section at the first position of the text page, right after the page that needs to be rotated horizontally. This will create that page in a single section.

According to the example, we place the mouse pointer at the top of the 3rd page after the 2nd page we want to rotate horizontally and then click Page Layout > Break > Contiounus to break the section.

So, you have finished separating the page you want to rotate horizontally into a separate section.

Page breaks need to be rotated into separate sections

Step 4:

You Now you just need to place the mouse cursor anywhere on the page you want to rotate horizontally, with a separate section, then click on it. Page Layout > Orientation > Landscape to rotate the page horizontally.

Click to select Landscape mode

When pressed Print Previewwe will see that the page has been rotated horizontally, completely different from the rest of the pages in Word.

Rotate any page horizontally on Word

Instructions for horizontally rotating a paragraph of text in Word

If you want to separate a horizontally rotated paragraph in Word, follow the instructions below.

Step 1:

First Highlight a paragraph of text you want to separate horizontal page then click Layout tabclick next Arrow icon to open the Page Setup interface.

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Select the paragraph to split to a horizontal page

Step 2:

Show new options, friend Click Landscape. Below at Apply to you select Selected Text To apply only to the selected paragraph, click OK to save.

Horizontal rotation for a Word document

As a result, you will see the paragraph separated into a horizontally rotated page as shown.

The text rotates horizontally



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