When someone blocks you on Facebook, we don't receive a notification. If we check our Facebook friends list, there are many cases where they may block you, or they have unfriended you on Facebook, or even that Facebook account is banned or locked permanently. So how do you know who blocked you on Facebook? Here are some ways to know if you've been blocked on Facebook.
Check your Facebook friends list
When someone blocks you on Facebook, their account will no longer appear in your friends list. We click 3 dashes icon in the bottom right corner then tap Friends section on your phone to check your friends list. You should press the magnifying glass icon to find the name faster.
With Facebook on computer, immediately click on Friends in the personal Facebook interface to check.
Search for their Facebook account
If someone just unfriends you on Facebook, we can still see their profile. If you can't find their Facebook account, they may have blocked you or their account may no longer exist.
Use another Facebook account to search
Another way is that you can use another Facebook account to find their Facebook. If you can find their Facebook account using another account, it means they have blocked you on Facebook.
Check Messenger messages
Another case where you cannot find someone else's Facebook is that they may have changed their Facebook account name, so you cannot find it. You can use Messenger to message and check what their new Facebook account name is. If you get the message Unable to send, it means they've blocked you. The Facebook account name still exists means their Facebook account still exists but has blocked you.

View your Facebook profile from Messenger
Additionally, in the Messenger messaging interface, you can also check whether their Facebook account page is accessible or displayed. At your Messenger messaging interface Click View profile to check the opponent's Facebook page. If no content is displayed, it means you have been blocked by them on Facebook.

Some frequently asked questions
How to block someone on Facebook Messenger?
To block someone, open the Messenger app, find the person you want to block and tap their name to go to the section Privacy & supportthen select Block. Select options Block messages and callsthen tap Block to confirm and done.
Why does the message that this user is not on Messenger appear?
There are two reasons behind the notification that this user is not currently on Messenger appears. One is that you are blocked by this user. Second, this user has deactivated or deleted the Messenger account. This notification does not mean that this person has deleted the conversation, ignored you, archived the conversation, etc.
Another way to find out the reason behind this notification is to use Facebook's search bar. In the Facebook app on your phone or desktop, enter this user's name and see if you see his or her profile. If that person's profile still appears on Facebook, they will only block you on Messenger. Otherwise, it means that person blocked you on both platforms.
If you block someone, can you see their online status?
No, you cannot see whether the person you blocked is online or not. Block means you want to get rid of someone you don't want to see. That's why you can't see that person's online status when you block them. Not only you, the blocked person also cannot know whether you are online or not.
Can you see your profile picture if you are blocked on Messenger?
The short answer is yes, you can still see people's profile pictures even if you have blocked them and of course, they can also see your profile picture if they are blocked by you. Profile photos are not affected by blocking on Facebook and Messenger applications. However, if you are blocked, you will not be able to interact with that person's profile picture.
Can you still tag someone who blocked you?
Let's say you've found a meme you want to show your friends. Usually, you just need to tag them by writing their name and then clicking on a link related to their profile. They will receive a notification and see it the next time they log in.
But if you've been blocked by that person, you won't be able to tag them in any posts — including memes, photos, and any posts you're adding to your (or someone else's) timeline.
Whether you can tag someone who has unfriended you on Facebook depends on that person's privacy settings. It also depends on the settings of a group you may join. If the other person isn't in a private group, you still can't tag them.
Can you read previously sent Facebook messages after being blocked?
Here's another trick, although the trick depends on whether you've communicated with this person before or not. This is not helpful when it comes to strangers.
Try to remember anything this contact wrote on your profile or – if you've prevented others from posting on your Facebook timeline – a mutual friend's profile. This could be a birthday message, a holiday greeting or anything random.
These will still show up regardless of your relationship status. However, if you have been blocked, the other person's profile picture will not appear or will be replaced with a question mark. Their names may also be obscured by the black box.
Are the contacts who blocked you still on Messenger?

If you've talked to this person using Facebook Messenger before, this is another indicator you can check. You have to do this through the Facebook website because the app sometimes still shows blocked accounts.
Go to section Messenger and click See All in Messenger in the drop-down menu. Access the conversation you had with the contact you want to check. If you've been blocked, their profile picture won't load, instead it will be a standard gray border. You also won't be able to click on a name to see their profile anymore.
You can also try sending them a message. If you have been blocked, sending the message will not be successful. Facebook will let you know that a temporary error occurred.
How can you know they haven't deactivated your Facebook account? In most cases, their name will not appear at all if they have deleted their account, but deletion is different from deactivation. Deletion is a more permanent action, while deactivation only means they don't use Facebook for a short period of time.
This platform can be distracting at busy times, so deactivating is an attempt to give up Facebook for a while. That could be why you didn't hear back from them, but maybe they'll be back soon.
Deletion means they have no intention of returning. In this case, their Messenger string would be “Facebook User”. Note that they can still use Messenger without accessing Facebook; however, if you can contact them here, then at least you are still friends with that person.
How to delete messages on Facebook Messenger?
To delete a message, open the Messenger app, find a conversation, then press and hold your finger on each message. At the bottom of the screen, tap Erase.
How to deactivate Facebook Messenger?
The only way to deactivate Messenger is to deactivate your Facebook account. To hide your online status, open the Messenger app, tap your profile picture and select Operating status. Convert options Shows when you're active/Shows when your friends are active to status Off.