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HomeFinanceHow to see who you've blocked (blocked) on Facebook

How to see who you've blocked (blocked) on Facebook

While using Facebook, you may sometimes encounter people you don't want to interact with. In such situations, blocking is a measure used by many people. Facebook will also store a complete list of everyone you've blocked in the past. You can access this list and unblock someone if you want. Let's find out how to do it right below.

How to view the block list on Facebook

To see a list of people you've blocked on your PC, just follow these steps.

First, launch any web browser and visit Facebook. Then sign in to your account if necessary.

After successfully logging in, in the top right corner of the Facebook interface, click the down arrow icon.

Click the down arrow icon.

In the drop-down menu, click “Settings and privacy”.

Click “Settings and privacy”

From menu “Settings and privacy“, you choose “Setting”.

Select “Settings”

In the sidebar menu on the left side of the screen, click “Block”.

Click “Block”

In the “Block users” on the right, you'll see a list of all the people you've blocked on Facebook.

Block list

On the same page, under “Block messages”, you can see people you've blocked from sending messages on Facebook Messenger.

If you are looking to unblock someone on Messenger or Facebook, just click the “Unblock” next to their name on the list.

How to view the block list on the Facebook mobile app

To check the list of Facebook accounts you have blocked on your iPhone, iPad or Android phone, just do the following.

To get started, open the Facebook app on your phone. In the app interface, tap the three horizontal lines button. On iPhone and iPad, this button is in the bottom right corner. On Android, you'll see it in the top right corner of the screen.

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Click on the three horizontal lines button

In the menu that appears, scroll to the bottom and click “Settings and privacy”.

Tap “Settings and privacy”

Next, click “Setting”.

Click “Install”

From the section “Audience and visibility“, click select “Block“.

Click select "Block"

On page “Block”, you will now see a list of people you have blocked in your account.

Block list

To unblock someone, tap the “Unblock” next to their name.

How long until you can block a recently unblocked account?

If you've recently tried to give someone a second chance, but their online actions remind you of why you blocked them the first time. If that happens, you won't be able to get them back on your block list for a short while. According to Facebook's guidelines, the company does not allow its users to block recently unblocked accounts again until at least 48 hours have passed.

Alternative actions to blocking a user

Blocking someone on social media may seem a bit extreme. They'll know they've been blocked when they look for you in their friends list, leading to some awkward real-world situations. There are other gentle ways to remove someone from your daily news feed.

Snooze (Snooze for 30 days)

If you're sure someone is having a bad day or needs time to vent, you can use the Snooze function to temporarily hide them from your view. You can do that by tapping or clicking the three dots at the top right of one of the user's posts and selecting Snooze (username) for 30 days. Once enabled, you won't see their posts for a month, but you'll still show up on their news feed and friends list.

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Snooze for 30 days
Snooze for 30 days

Unfollow (Unfollow)

If you want to continue effectively snoozing someone beyond the first 30 days, then unfollowing is what you're after. Start by clicking or tapping the three dots at the top right of one of the user's posts. By unfollowing someone, you can hide their posts from your news feed, but you can still stay in touch. This is easily reversed when you change your mind.


Unfriend (Unfriend)

If you absolutely don't like a person's online antics, you can completely cut them out of your digital life. Start the unfriending process by finding the person in question and visiting their profile page.

In the top right corner, below their cover photo, click the button Friend.

Click the Friends button
Click the Friends button

Select options Unfriend to cut off online relationships.

Select the Unfriend option
Select the Unfriend option

To mass unfriend, please refer to the following instructions: How to mass unfriend Facebook, mass unfriend Facebook.



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