Thứ Sáu, Tháng Hai 7, 2025
HomeTechnologyHow to share a printer via Lan network

How to share a printer via Lan network

In the daily work of office workers, they often have to print many different documents for meetings or customer contact, but each office usually only has 1 printer. Therefore, each printing will take a lot of time, especially if you have to print in large quantities. Therefore, today, Network Administrator will guide you how to share a printer via an internal LAN so that multiple computers can print documents. The article has 2 steps, 1 is to share the printer with another device and 2 is to connect to the shared printer, please refer to it.

Note: First, you need to connect 2 computers together via Lan network and the printer will be plugged into one of the 2 computers. recommends that you plug the printer into the computer used for printing the most, the other machine can only print when the main machine is activated. At the same time, install printer drivers for computers on the network.

Step 1: Share the printer via LAN with another computer

This operation will be performed on the computer that is connected to the printer.

1. You guys come in Control Panel then select Devices and Printers

Select Devices and Printers

2. Next, check the line Set as default printer then press Printer properties

Click Printer Properties

3. In the new dialog box that opens, select the tab Sharing then check the line Share this printer. Then click OK

Check the Share this printer option

4. Go back Control Panelclick Network and Sharing Center

Click Network and Sharing Center

5. Please press Change advanced sharing settings

Click Change advanced sharing settings

6. Check the numbered options below

Check the options

7. Scroll down to the section Password protecting sharing then check the option Turn off password protected sharing. Then press Save changes

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Check the Turn off password option...

Step 2: Access the shared printer on the LAN

This operation will be performed on the computer where the document needs to be printed.

You guys come in Control Panel > Devices and Printers then click Add a Printer

Click Add a printer

In the window that appears, select Add a network, Wireless or Bluetooth printerwhen the following window appears, select The printer that I want isn't listed.

Click Next

Please tick the option Select a shared printer by name and select the correct computer name that shared the printer and click Next that's it.

Select the name of the computer that shared the printer

In addition to adding a printer above, if you know the IP address of the computer sharing the printer, you can do the following, press Windows + R key to open the RUN window, enter the IP address of the computer connecting to the printer. enter > OK.

A window appears with a list of devices shared by the other computer. Select the correct printer you need, double-click (or right-click and select Connect) to connect to the printer.

Above is how to share a printer on a LAN and how to connect to a shared printer. Hopefully this article will help you in connecting the printer to the computer.

Wish you success!



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