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HomeTechnologyHow to use Disk Quota limit Windows storage capacity

How to use Disk Quota limit Windows storage capacity

Disk Quota is a great way to control the storage capacity on the computer, ensuring that users cannot use much more storage capacity than the allocated level. When the storage is exceeded, we will see the display warning and even prevent you from storing the file. Below is a guide to using Disk Quota on Windows.

How to limit storage on Windows with Disk Quota

Step 1:

Open the Explorer file and click Right -click on the drive That you want to set the limit and Select Properties. Then click Quota tab To adjust.

Disk Quotas

Step 2:

Press next Show Quota Settings At the bottom.

Show Quota Settings

Switch to the interface as shown, first you need Choose to go to Enable Quota Management To enable the storage limit. Under Press limit disk space to.

Turn on the limit of Windows storage

Enter the capacity limit Want to order all the user of that drive.

Enter the Windows storage limit

Step 3:

In Set warning level bigwe Set the warning level You want Windows to notify when you are about to reach the storage limit. If you want Prevent users from storing more files When they exceed the quota, Choose Deny Disk Space to Users Exceeding Quota Limited.

Set the Windows warning limit

How to set storage limits for each user

Step 1:

We also need Choose Enable Quota Management then press Quota Entries.

Install Quotas Windows

Step 2:

Show new interface, you Click Quota and select New Quota Entry In the display list.

New quota entry

In the display interface At Enter the Object Names to Select, Please Enter your account name Users want to set the storage limit and then press Names below.

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Enter the user account name

Step 3:

Click Limit disk space to Already Set the capacity to store capacity for this account. Underneath the set Warning Level also filled out the warning level when the limit is coming.

Repeat these steps for all user accounts you want to set limits.

Instructions for monitoring and using storage capacity

Click on Quota Entries and see the list of different user accounts along with the use level. Right -click your account Select Properties.

Here you can directly change the storage capacity allocated to an account.

Supervision using storage capacity

How to turn off the storage capacity limit

Step 1:

In the Quota Settings For interface, you Remove Enable Quota Management. To turn off the capacity limit for each account, click Quota Entries button.

Turn off the storage capacity limit

Step 2:

Press Right -click the account you want to turn off then selected Properties.

Capacity limit

Step 3:

Then you Choose to go to Do not limit disk Usage to Turn off the storage capacity limit For that account.

Turn off the storage limit for users



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