Thứ Hai, Tháng Hai 10, 2025
HomeFinanceHow to use the new EVKey Vietnamese percussion keyboard

How to use the new EVKey Vietnamese percussion keyboard

Besides traditional Vietnamese percussion tools such as Unikey and Vietkey, there are many new typing tools introduced to users, such as EVKey percussion.

EVKey is a Vietnamese typing tool developed by programmer Lam Quang Minh based on Unikey's open source code. Basically, EVKey is similar to other Vietnamese typing tools but has added many new features. Notable features include excluding applications that do not want to input Vietnamese, fixing the error of not being able to type Vietnamese on Chrome and other browsers, and fixing suggestion errors in Excel. There are also some features such as running with Admin rights, displaying dialog boxes at startup, using Clipboard to send keys, etc. The article below will guide you how to use the Vietnamese typing tool EVKey.

Note to readersif the application reports a virus infection, it may be due to misidentification or you downloaded it from an unofficial source. Please download the author's main folder according to the link below.

Instructions for installing the EVKey typing tool

Step 1:

Download EVKey and install it on your computer.

Step 2:

Before extracting EVKey, turn off the Vietnamese tools you are using on your computer. If using Unikey, open the Unikey dialog box and Turn off the Start with Windows option and exit Unikey Go.

Exit Unikey

Step 3:

Proceed Unzip the EVKey zip file download. In the unzipped folder there will be 2 files EVKey32.exe and EVKey64.exe corresponding to your Windows version, 32-bit or 64-bit. Choose the correct version to install on your computer.

Unzip EVKey

Step 4:

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When starting the EVKey tool, a software control dialog box will immediately appear, accompanied by the tool icon below the system tray.

EVKey icon

When right-clicking on the icon we will have a menu of quick options for the typing methods to use.

EVKey quick options menu

At the control interface for EVKey, select it Start with Windows so that EVkey always runs at startup.

Start EVKey with Windows

Step 5:

In case the user wants Turn off Vietnamese percussion with some applicationsclick to select three dot button next to the item Exclude apps.

Eliminate Vietnamese typing on the application

Click next 3-dot icon to find the application that wants to turn off Vietnamese percussion. Or users can press and hold the side positioning button and hover over the application window where they want to turn off Vietnamese percussion. Then click Add button.

Add applications that do not type Vietnamese

In case you want use Vietnamese again then click the Delete button. Click the Yes button to agree to delete.

Use Vietnamese again on the application

Step 6:

EVKey has already been selected Fix suggestion error on browser and Excellimit the situation of not being able to type in Vietnamese. This feature is not even available on Unikey.

EVKey fixes browser hint error

Step 7:

Part EVKey shortcut key is also more expanded than Unikey, allowing users to use many shortcuts, customize shortcuts, and create easy-to-remember shortcuts depending on each user.

EVKey shortcut

Step 8:

EVKey's shortcut table is also clearly set up so that users can create a list of abbreviations and start Windows with Admin rights. Click to select The Typing Table button turns off Then enter the word you want to shortcut into the interface using Macro Definition.

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This shortcut section will have the section Still allowing shortcut typing when Vietnamese is turned off.

Shortcut table on EVKey

Step 9:

A new feature of EVKey is: Type Vietnamese on Metro application such as Skype, Mail, Facebook, Messenger, Edge etc. Metro applications are applications developed using Microsoft's WinRT tool. By default, EVKey will have Metro application support, but you should also check Metro application support when the Metro application is typed with the wrong diacritic.

Metro application support

In general, EVKey is very simple to use with a clear interface, expanding many Vietnamese typing options for users that Unikey does not have. Please install EVKey and experience this Vietnamese percussion tool.

See more:

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