When working with Excel data tables and statistics, knowing and using functions in Excel will help you complete your work. And in today's article, Network Administrator will introduce to you the NORMDIST function in excel and how to use the function.
NORMDIST function returns the normal distribution in Excel with the specified standard deviation and mean value. The function will be applied in statistical tables and hypothesis testing. The article below uses the NORMDIST function for Excel versions 2003 to Excel 2013.
Use the NORMDIST function in Excel
We have the syntax to use the NORMDIST function:
NORMDIST(x, mean, standard_dev, cumalative)
In there:
- x: is the value you want to calculate the distribution for. Required parameter
- mean: The arithmetic mean value of the distribution. Required parameter.
- standard_dev: Standard deviation of the distribution. Required parameter.
- cumalative: Logical value that defines the function form. Required parameter.
- cumulative=true: Returns the result of the cumulative distribution function
- cumalative=false: Returns the result of the probability density function.
- If the average value or standard deviation is not in numeric form => the function returns the #VALUE! error.
- If mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1, cumulative = True => the function returns NORMSDIST normal distribution.
- If the standard deviation is less than 0 => The function returns the value #NUM!.
- When cumulative value = TRUE => distribution applies from negative infinity to x value.
We have an example: Calculate the distribution of value 92 according to the table below.
Case 1: Cumulative has the value TRUE (Cumalative=true)
Step 1:
In the cell to calculate, we enter the formula: =NORMDIST(C3,C4,C5,TRUE).
Step 2:
After entering the formula, press Enter and the result is as shown below.
Case 2: Cumulative value = FALSE (Cumalative=false)
Step 1:
We enter the formula as follows: =NORMDIST(C3,C4,C5,FALSE).
Step 2:
You also press Enter and get the result as shown below:
Case 3: If standard deviation = 1 and average value = 0, cumulative = True > NORMDIST(92)= NORMSDIST(92)
NORMDIST function value (92):
Readers enter the formula: =NORMDIST(C3,C4,C5,TRUE). And the result will be like below.
NORMSDIST(92) function value:
We enter the formula: =NORMSDIST(C3) and the result is as below.
Thus, if standard deviation = 1, average value = 0 and cumulative = true => NORMSDIST function equals NORMDIST function value.
Above is a tutorial on using the NORMDIST function in Excel to calculate the normal distribution with standard deviation and special cases between the NORMSDIST function and the NORMDIST function.