When using Linux, you may need to know the details of the system you are running or the hardware specifications in use. As a normal Linux user or software developer, it is important that you check the compatibility of the software or hardware system you want to install. The Linux command line contains a number of integrated commands to help you get used to the software and hardware platform will work. The following guide will teach you how to use all these commands.
Show basic system information on Linux Shell
For basic information about the system, you need to get used to the command line utility called UNAME – Abbreviated for Unix Name.
The UNAME command comes with multiple switches. The basic command as described below only returns the name Kernel:
$ uname

As you can see, the UNAME command when used without any switches only returns the name Kernel.
See the name Linux Kernel
When you want to know exactly the name of Kernel's name, you will use the following command:
$ uname -s

The above results are displayed Linux is the name Kernel.
See the Linux Kernel release
To print Kernel's release information, use the following command:
$ uname -r

The above command has displayed the number of Linux release in the example
See Linux Kernel version
To find the Kernel version, use the following command:
$ uname -v

See Hostname Network button
You can use the following command to print a network button:
$ uname -n
You can also use the following command for the same purpose because it is more user friendly:
$ uname --nodename

Both commands will display the same output. Please note that the hostname and the node name may not be the same for non -Linux systems.
See hardware architecture (i386, x86_64, etc.)
To know the system's hardware architecture, please use the following command:
$ uname --m

Output x86_64 indicates that the author is using 64-bit architecture. I686 output means that users are using the 32-bit system.
See the type of processor
To know the type of processor you are using, please use the following command:
$ uname -p

This result shows that the author is using a 64-bit processor.
See hardware platform
To know the hardware platform you are using, please use the following command:
$ uname -i

In case of example, the output is similar to the hardware name of the machine.
View operating system information
The following command will tell you the name of the operating system you are using:
$ uname -o

The Ubuntu machine in the example shows the results above for the system.
Find the number of PC Linux
Find the number of pc linux by dmidecode
The easiest way to check the number of PC Linux Seri is to use Dmidecode. After opening the Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T), you can search for the device's number with this command:
sudo dmidecode -s system-serial-number
Enter your Root password and the command will export the PC's number:

This command will not work on all devices. Rhel and CentOS users often encounter problems. If the Terminal reminds you that the implementation of the newer Smbios version 2.8 is not fully supported by this version of Dmidecode, you will need to update your Dmidecode with the following DNF managing command:
dnf update dmidecode
Note: Unfortunately, there is no great way to determine your device number without rooting.
Use replacement commands to find the PC's number
There are several commands outside Dmidecode that can help you find the PC's number on Linux. If you are using Opensuse, Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian or Rhel, you can also try to enter the following command in Terminal:
hwinfo --bios
Of course, you may need to install hwinfo If your device has not installed this utility yet. This command will only succeed if your device has the number of Sera dipped in the BIOS.

If your motherboard supports the Direct Media Interface (DMI), you can also find the PC's number with the following command:
sudo cat /sys/class/dmi/id/board_serial
Showing all information of the UNAME command
The above commands have displayed the system information according to the type of switch used. In case you want to see all the system information at the same time, use the following command:
$ uname -a

You can see that the output above displays a full list of system information for users.
Show details about hardware
Here, the article will describe the commands, in addition UNAMEused to extract the detailed hardware information of the system:
See hardware information with LSHW
Utilities LSHW Allows you to view important hardware information such as memory, CPU, drive, etc. from the system. Please run the following command as Superuser (Senior user) to view this information:
$ sudo lshw

The above result is a very detailed version of the system hardware information. You can also see the summary of hardware information as described in the following section.
Brief summary of hardware information
To see a summary of detailed hardware configuration, please use the following command:
$ lshw -short

The above result is a summary of the column on hardware configuration easier to read.
Create HTML file
Utilities LSHW Also allows you to print your hardware profile on the HTML file in the form of Superuser. Use the following command for this purpose:
$ sudo lshw -html > [filename.html]
For example:
$ sudo lshw -html > hardwareinfo.html

The above HTML file has been created in the/Home/Home/User/.
View CPU information with LSCPU
Utilities LSCPU List details about CPU from SYSFS and /Proc /CPUInfo files on the screen. This is how you can use this command:
$ lscpu

The output results above display CPU architecture, CPU, core, CPU family model, thread, cache CPU, etc.
See information device information with LSBLK
Utilities LSBLK Display information about all basic storage devices in the system such as hard drive, its partitions and flash drives connected to the system.
$ lsblk
You can use the following command to see more details about all devices:
$ lsblk -a

View information of USB device with lsusb
Command lsusb List information about all USB Controllers and devices connected to them. Please run the following command:
$ lsusb
You can also use the following command to see more details about each USB device.
$ lsusb -v

This output displays all USB Controller and the attached equipment.
View information about other devices
You can also view information about the following devices in your system:
$ lspci
$ lsscsi
$ hdparm [devicelocation] e.g. $ hdparm /dev/sda2
After practicing with this tutorial, you will never fail to access information about Linux and the basic hardware of the system. This will help you check whether the system's specifications and hardware or software are compatible with your system.