Have you ever wondered how long your Facetime's call lasted? Basically, users can easily check Facetime voice calls while calling but with video Facetime is not possible. However, after finishing the Facetime call, we will still know how much the Facetime call time, according to the instructions below.
Guide to see the duration of the iPhone Facetime
We access Phone app On the iPhone, then Click Facetime call I want to see the call time.
Click Tab Recents Tab To view all recent calls, including Voice Facetime calls and video calls. We click on icon I At the video you want to check the time. Then display information for Facetime video calls, including Facetime call, date and time.
Check Facetime call time on iPad
Access the Facetime application on your iPad. From the side, please Find Facetime calls But you want to check the duration.
Then you also Click the “I” button To view details about calls such as calls (arrival or travel), duration, date and time.