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HomeTechnologyIf your PC runs slow after installing antivirus software, here's how to...

If your PC runs slow after installing antivirus software, here's how to fix it!

An antivirus program is an important component of your online safety strategy and everyone should have one. However, antivirus programs are not without their drawbacks and one of the most common problems people encounter is their computer running slowly after installation.

Why do antivirus programs slow down computers?

In short, every program on your computer consumes resources and antivirus programs are no exception.

In many cases, the specific resource that an antivirus program consumes is RAM (Random Access Memory), the “fast access” part of the computer's memory. When a computer uses up memory, it slows down because it has to “wait” for some of that memory to free up other tasks to begin or complete. Virus scanning also consumes CPU, making it even slower when running a full scan.

In both cases, the antivirus program is eating up resources and leaving fewer resources for other programs you are running.

How to prevent antivirus programs from slowing down your computer

There are some easy fixes you can try to resolve the problem.

Perform a full scan and repair of anti-virus software

This may seem counterintuitive, but this should be your first step.

Consider that you may have been infected with undetected malware before installing antivirus software. Your newly installed antivirus is crashing and consuming a lot of resources, because it is actually solving a problem. There are no guarantees, but a system scan and repair will help you figure out whether this is causing your antivirus software to slow down your computer.

Check to see if it's really due to anti-virus software

There are many reasons that can cause your computer to slow down significantly. For example, you might just use more memory than you have and need to buy more RAM; This most often happens with heavy load activities like playing games or opening 87 Chrome tabs.

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Temporarily turn off your antivirus program and then use your computer to check what resources are being used. If the slowdown persists, antivirus software is not the culprit. If that's the case, you should check for other issues that could be slowing down your PC.

Reduce memory usage

Close all other programs and background processes, then start your antivirus software. Next, find Task Manager's memory tab:

  • Press CTRL + ALT + DELETEthen select Task Manager.
  • Select tabs Performance on the leftmost bar, then Memory.

This will display your computer's overall memory usage. You can also check the specific memory usage of your antivirus software by returning to the first screen of Task Manager (tab Processes in the left bar) and find the program in the list, as shown below.

As you can see, just running in the background, Malwarebytes takes up 7.4% of your computer's memory, for example, which is quite a large consumption for a program that is currently inactive. You can also see that it takes up almost 3 times more CPU than a web browser, although still a negligible amount.

If you reach high memory usage from antivirus software alone, you may need more memory (as mentioned above). If other programs are causing performance problems, try limiting the number of programs you have open at once.

Reschedule scans during breaks

Antivirus software often slows down not only because of its background functions, but also because it chooses an inconvenient time to start a full scan. Full scans allocate a lot of resources because they scan every file on your PC; The more files you have, the more resources and time it takes. So, schedule a scan when your computer is in sleep mode, when you're not using it.

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Windows Defender users should also turn off the “real-time scanning” feature, which has a similar impact on performance.

Explore launcher settings

Most antivirus programs will give you a number of options that can help you narrow down the problem, either by turning off unnecessary features (like any graphical effects) or helping to narrow down the problem. memory problems by disabling autostart, real-time protection (as mentioned above), or using add-ons like Proxy Server and real-time usage monitoring.

Change anti-virus program

If all of the above doesn't work, it may be time to uninstall your antivirus program. Some antivirus programs are really resource-hungry, and it's debatable the value you get from commercial antivirus programs.

When it comes to head-to-head tests with other antivirus programs, Windows Defender is very effective, is free, comes pre-installed on Windows computers, and generally has minimal impact on performance even when running over time. real time. So there's really no point in installing another antivirus program and costing yourself more money.

If you're using another operating system, you should probably prioritize installing a new program, but on Windows, you might want better performance instead of redundant malware protection.

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