Visiting safe websites is an essential Internet habit to protect your personal data from bad content. You can do this in Microsoft Edge by turning on the automatic HTTPS feature. When this setting is enabled, Microsoft prioritizes loading web pages using the secure HTTPS protocol over HTTP. Here's how to enable HTTPS automatically on Edge.
How to enable HTTPS automatically on Edge
Step 1:
At the interface on the Edge browser, you enter edge://flags Go to the access bar on the browser to proceed with customization.
Step 2:
Switch to the new interface, user Enter the keyword flag Automatic HTTPS into the search bar and then you will see the flag in the results below.
Step 3:
Now users need it Switch to Enabled mode to enable HTTPS automatically on Edge.
Finally you Click Restart to re-enable the Edge browser and apply the new changes.
Thus, Edge browser automatically converts the HTTP part of the URL to HTTPS to connect to the website more securely.