WhatsApp now allows you to use Meta AI in chats, in addition to creating separate conversations to expand messaging options such as creating AI images in WhatsApp chats. Users just need to enter a description of the photo they want to create and then Meta AI follows suit. Photos can be completely changed after creation if you want. Below are instructions for creating AI images in WhatsApp chats.
How to create AI images in WhatsApp chat
Step 1:
You open the chat on WhatsApp as usual, then naggression @ Meta AI in the displayed menu to use the AI tool in WhatsApp chat. Display the Meta AI interface, click Continue to use.

Step 2:
In the box, enter your message Enter a description of the image AI wants to create Already Click the send message icon as usual. As a result, we get an AI image created in the WhatsApp chat as shown below.

Step 3:
If you are not satisfied with this AI photo, you can edit it using the description. We Long press on the photo then select Reply in the menu displayed.
Step 4:
This time we Re-enter photo description with the changes you want and then press send as usual. The image results have been changed according to your new description. Click on the image to edit further if needed.

You can then download the photo or edit and add strokes to the image.