To find Telegram ID is very simple and you can immediately use the chatbot tool to find Telegram ID for your account, without needing other tools to assist such as finding personal Facebook ID or someone else's. This Telegram ID finder chatbot tool quickly provides your Telegram account ID and some other basic information, including the language you use through the phone number registered to your Telegram account. The article below will guide you to find your personal Telegram ID.
How to find personal Telegram ID
Step 1:
At the interface on your Telegram application Click on the search box and enter chatbot userinfobot. Display the results of the chatbot tool below, click to use this tool.

Step 2:
Switch to the chat interface with the userinfobot tool. Here you are Click the Start button to proceed with using chatbots.
Step 3:
Soon you will get it Telegram personal ID mine and some other information. You do not need to enter a command, just press start and the chatbot will automatically display your Telegram ID.
The operation of finding Telegram ID using chatbot is similar on both computers and phones.