Vertical Tabs on Microsoft Edge provides a more organized tab management interface, managing and viewing tabs on the left edge of the screen interface. Then all open tabs on the browser are displayed on the left edge of the screen for you to access, or perform other operations. Below are instructions for using vertical tabs on Microsoft Edge.
How to use vertical tabs on Microsoft Edge
Step 1:
You open tabs on the browser as usual, then click tab icon on the tab bar as shown below. Now you click Turn on vertical tabs to perform.
Step 2:
Immediately after that you will see the interface for managing open tabs on Edge moved to the left edge as shown below. We just need Click on the left arrow icon to hide vertical tab bar on Edge.
At that time, the vertical tab bar on Edge was hidden to tidy up the web browsing interface. To display it again, just click on the tab icon. If you want fixed vertical tab bar on the interface, just press pin icon.
Step 3:
In each open tab, when you right-click on each tab, there are options for each tab as shown below.
Step 4:
Click again vertical tab icon on Microsoft Edgethe user now sees the option to Turn off vertical tabs or other options.