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HomeStudyPowerPoint 2016: Check spelling and grammar

PowerPoint 2016: Check spelling and grammar


Do you often worry about making mistakes when entering text? PowerPoint 2016 offers users a number of proofing features, including tools Spelling and Grammarcan help create professional, error-free presentations.

Instruct Spelling and Grammarin PowerPoint 2016

How to run spell check

1. From tab Reviews, Click command Spelling.

PowerPoint 2016: Check spelling and grammar

2. Window Spelling will appear on the right. For each error in the presentation, PowerPoint tries to offer one or more suggestions. Users can select a suggestion and click on it Change to correct errors.

Spelling window

3. PowerPoint will cycle through each error until the user has reviewed all errors found. After the last error is reviewed, a dialog box appears confirming that spell checking is complete. Please press OK.

Click OK

If no suggestions are given, then all the text entered on the slide is spelled correctly.

Ignore spelling errors

Spell check is not always correct. Sometimes PowerPoint may think a word is misspelled, when in fact it is not. This often happens with names of people and proper nouns, which may not be in the dictionary. If PowerPoint believes a word has a misspelling, users can choose not to change it using one of three options:

  • Ignore: This will skip the word without changing it.
  • Ignore All: This will skip the word without changing it, and it will also ignore all other instances of the word in the presentation.
  • Add: This adds the word to the dictionary so it will no longer be considered an error. Make sure the word is spelled correctly before selecting this option.
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Ignore the error

Automatic spell check

By default, PowerPoint automatically checks the presentation for spelling errors, so users may not even need to run a separate check with the command Spelling. These errors are indicated by red lines under the words.

How to use automatic spell checking:

1. Right click on the underlined word. A menu will appear.

2. Click on the correctly spelled word in the suggestion list.

Automated testing

3. The adjustment will appear in the presentation.

Users can also choose Ignore an underlined word or Add to Dictionary.

Modify Proofing options

PowerPoint allows users to modify options Proofing (proofcheck). It gives the user more control over how it evaluates the text. For example, users can customize automatic spell checking to change the way PowerPoint flags spelling errors. Users can also enable grammar checking to help find and correct contextual spelling errors.

How to modify options Proofing

1. Click the tab File to access the interface Backstage.


2. Select Options. A dialog box will appear.


3. Select Proofing, then customize the options as needed. When finished, click OK.


Modify the settings in the section Options of PowerPoint, incl Proofing, will affect any presentation the user edits in PowerPoint, not just the current presentation.

The settings in the Options section of PowerPoint, particularly under the Proofing tab, apply globally to the PowerPoint application. This means that any modifications made here will affect all presentations the user works on, not just the current presentation.

Key Points:

  1. Proofing Settings:
    • Includes options such as spelling and grammar checking, AutoCorrect rules, and custom dictionaries.
    • Changes made will apply whenever PowerPoint checks spelling or grammar in any presentation.
  2. Global Impact:
    • These settings are not presentation-specific.
    • For example, disabling automatic spell-check in the Proofing section will turn it off for every presentation the user edits.
  3. Consistency Across Presentations:
    • This global approach ensures consistent behavior when editing multiple presentations, saving users from having to reconfigure settings for each file.
  4. Adjusting Settings:
    • To modify, go to File > Options > Proofing.
    • Changes might include:
      • Enabling/disabling grammar checks.
      • Customizing AutoCorrect options.
      • Adding/removing words in custom dictionaries.
  5. Restoring Defaults:
    • If needed, users can reset settings to their default values.
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If you need further assistance with specific Proofing settings or other sections in PowerPoint’s Options, let me know!



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