Thứ Sáu, Tháng Ba 7, 2025
HomeTechnologyPractice typing 10 fingers helps to speed up the typing

Practice typing 10 fingers helps to speed up the typing

Practicing and typing 10 fingers is a great advantage for people working in the daily office environment to contact computers and edit text … Using 10 fingers will help typing faster. , your work speed will be progressed faster than you type each finger on the keyboard for a long time, unprofessional.

Many people often think that it is difficult to beat the keyboard with 10 fingers. But do not be too pessimistic, see the 10 -finger typing practice above, try to grasp this 10 -finger typing technique to ensure you will significantly improve your typing speed if you work hard.

In the practice below, select the lesson from 1 to 15 and type according to the finger instructions on the right hand:

1. Instructions on how to type 10 fingers fast

Instructions on how to typing with 10 fast fingers

To hit 10 fingers on the keyboard, you must first know how to put your hand on the keyboard. With 10 fingers we will divide your fingers evenly on keyboards such as:

With the left hand: little finger (key a), ring finger (key S), middle finger (key d), index finger (key F).

With the right hand: little finger (key:), ring finger (key l), middle finger (key k), index finger (key j).

The other two thumbs will put them on the Space key. And the task of these two delicious is just used to take turns fighting this keyboard.

2. 10 -finger typing technique and finger mission

Specific tasks of each finger when typing

With the left hand

  • We will control keys like: R, F, V, 4, T, G, B, 5.
  • With the middle finger, we control the key again: E, d, c, 3.
  • Appointed finger: W, S, X, 2.
  • And the little finger, we will use it to type: Q, A, Z, 1, 'and function keys such as tab, caps lock, Shift.
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With the right hand

  • The index finger controls the keys: H, Y, N, 6, 7, U, J, M.
  • Middle finger: 8, i, k, <./>
  • Appointed finger: 9, O, L,>.
  • And little finger: 0, p, :, ?, “, [, ]-, +, \, Enter, Backpace.

To be able to type the keyboard with 10 fingers, the first thing we have to remember clearly the letters on the keyboard and the task of each finger name the keyboard. To be able to remember, you should spend a lot of time practicing drafting documents, poems or lyrics you love slowly to keep accuracy while controlling your hands as well as spelling errors. Once you're getting used to it, you can speed up the keyboard faster and improve the workload.

When the type is finished, your fingers should move back to the original position. To avoid this finger “blocking the way” that fingers.

Note You should use Telex typing to give Vietnamese typing speed faster instead of VNI.



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